Recent content by bekachickenborn

  1. bekachickenborn

    Suspecting Marek's - Should I quit growing my flock?

    Hello, Her symptoms include paralysis of the left foot (possibly the wing too- it behaves oddly but I can't tell if that is due to a lack of balance). She lays around in the cage/hops a bit. She is still eating on her own, but seems lethargic/not herself. She is not in as bad shape as her...
  2. bekachickenborn

    Suspecting Marek's - Should I quit growing my flock?

    One more question...I have current sick hen in my garage. Should I cull her, or is there a chance she will be able to walk again? With my last sick one, I let her go for about 2 weeks before culling (she was to the point where she couldn't hop around/eat/drink. I hate taking that measure, but...
  3. bekachickenborn

    Suspecting Marek's - Should I quit growing my flock?

    Thank you so very much. I was feeling like a bad chicken owner. I take a lot of pride in keeping my coop clean/comfortable, so this was a real blow to my confidence. I will take this advice to heart. I always have a broody silkie or two, so when the time is right, I'll have them hatch some...
  4. bekachickenborn

    Suspecting Marek's - Should I quit growing my flock?

    Hi friends - It's been quite a while since I've posted, but I'm feeling discouraged and a bit sad. I suspect that my flock has a problem with Marek's. It started with my hen, Thomas, going blind. She progressively went blind, with a narrowed pupil. I just thought (I was less informed then)...
  5. bekachickenborn

    Sick Easter Egger

    I am very concerned about my Easter Egger. She has always been a sporadic layer and her eggs are always a little bumpy/gritty. My husband has been feeding and watering them lately. He told me he thought she was acting broody. Yesterday was a nice day so I let them out to free range. She wouldn’t...
  6. bekachickenborn


    Mine just figured it out. No training needed. And the combo of curtains/ceramic eggs/more frequent collection broke my egg eating problem. Good luck!
  7. bekachickenborn

    What do I do for Winter time? I live in a harsh climate?

    I a lso live in I also live in PA. Two biggest things: 1. Make sure they have thaw water (I use a heated dog dish and check it twice a day) 2. Ventilation (seems counterintuitive but an unventilated coop=moisture =frostbite). A few other things I do...make sure roosts are wide enough so they...
  8. bekachickenborn

    Scared of coop

    So glad you got them back. Let us know how things go with the last three. That's also good info on the roo. I just got a roo. Behavior patterns are always interesting to me so I know my chickens aren't "strange." And I agree also with the idea of confining for a few days.
  9. bekachickenborn

    Scared of coop

    Can you lure them by calling them and using treats? If I go out and do the "chook chook" call and sprinkle their favorite treats, they always follow me. But it has to be me. They don't do it for my husband.
  10. bekachickenborn

    Broody or egg bound?

    I never had a chicken go broody until I got a roo. I know they can go broody unprompted but it did get me wondering if they will go broody due to changes in flock, environment, etc. if she is broody, you may want to try putting her in an elevated, wire bottom cage with no bedding to break her...
  11. bekachickenborn

    Broody or egg bound?

    Is she walking funny or acting lethargic/sick? If not, she may be trying to go broody. I had three going broody all at once recently.
  12. bekachickenborn

    Stubborn Broody...any ideas?

    I let her out last night. She hasn't returned to the box! Woohoo! Now PeekABoo is in the jail. I couldn't believe how quickly the cage method worked. Thanks all!
  13. bekachickenborn

    Jingle's post bath nap time

    My little silkie, Jingle got pooped on today. Bad. I only bathe the girls when absolutely necessary...but man do they love it. Jingle was falling asleep wrapped up in the towel after. The things we do for our chooks...
  14. bekachickenborn

    Is there a cure for crossbeak?

    How severe is the cross? My crossbeak has just a slight cross. She eats and drinks fine. I'm just sure to trim her beak every month or so. I was really disappointed when I first noticed it. But Thomas (yes it's a three year old named her) is sweet, quirky, and has become my favorite...
  15. bekachickenborn

    Stubborn Broody...any ideas?

    She's been in this type of cage for about five days. I plan to let her out today to see what she does. Fingers crossed. I have another bird that needs to go in next.
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