Recent content by Calla

  1. Calla


    All poultry should have access to clean fresh water daily in their brooder. Emu and rhea chick in their 6ft brooder should have a bowl straight sided heavy pot ca 5 inches in a corner, to stop walking into it.To start put some green chopped lettuce etc. in it,so they will go to it and then knows...
  2. Calla

    How well does head pattern sexing work for emus? Is there other ways?

    Sexing life stock and all Eggs for incubating, Hi Ella.. I think this head pattern method is not reliable, nor have some feather test by vets, according to a few who did it, and were totally wrong, in some cases 2 were males not a pair. I used to incubate lots of bantam eggs, and found about...
  3. Calla

    Possibly Sick Emu Chick

    Hi UK here.. Pleased to hear your babe is back to normal, could he just have a chill, if he was outside, they must not get wet,if sudden showers, if you only have the one, put a mirror where he stays mostly , he thinks it's another mate and won't so lonely. A teddy would also be nice to...
  4. Calla

    Pyxis' Emu Chat Thread

    You can't make a male to sit, it's really up to the boy, just the last few years, 1 male got broody towards the end and decided to sit on egg. so I rolled him over and took egg, he still sat till tea time lol he didn't mind at all Calla..
  5. Calla

    Pyxis' Emu Chat Thread

    Congratulation Pixie, hope there are more to come, to give this lucky babe a mate or 2. Calla
  6. Calla

    help a new emu owner please!

    Hi How are they now ? Poor thing...Fence should only be 2 x 2 inches or 10 x 10 cm.strong weld mesh, so heads can't get through, too many accidents happen because of improper fences, pallets etc on muddy areas. Calla.
  7. Calla

    help a new emu owner please!

    I am really astonished..poor babies, when you bought the eggs, how many females did they have? Emus don't over eat, never, but is it possible they are from related stock ? Years before my emus, I bought some polish bantams eggs and experience similar to yours, I then realised this woman...
  8. Calla

    Grand Fathered In...?

    It all happened so fast, yes such a joy that you can have so much pleasure with ....wild and dangerous .....animals lol but nothing surprises me with this lovely Emus, gate was open once, blown by wind, Jasmine spotted it and came to my front room, about 50 ft, she could have easily gone down...
  9. Calla

    Grand Fathered In...?

    Ice age lol come to think I have a very old 6 ft metal bath, but it's high up in a building, probably rusty and leaking, so won't bother. Must tell you this...I was picking apples in the orchard last year, where one pair of Emus live. I struggled to reach that apple but could not make, Jasmine...
  10. Calla

    Grand Fathered In...?

    Hi Yvonne. You're right about ignorance, they can 't have a life..or an Emu lol There are more dangerous people this days, stabbing, shooting etc. I so wish I had a pool big enough for them to swim. Both pairs have a 4ft rubber field trough for at least get their head and neck to soak...
  11. Calla

    When can they be free?

    Hi I would not let them outside without me being there, working in my allotment next to their 10 x 12 newly cut grass run, till they are at least 8 -10 weeks old , magpies and carrion craws about, I turned my back once for just 10 min..true enough 1 baby emu was missing. They have heat lamp on...
  12. Calla

    Preparing for an Emu

    Emus make wonderful pets, don't listen to someone who has not any or does not know how to handle them , they are not ornaments lol If an emu kicks, must be something wrong with the owner lol. I have had my 2 pairs for 13 years now and love cuddles daily and are very affectionate and also...
  13. Calla

    Grand Fathered In...?

    Hello, UK here, you seem to be in same boat, there was a ban to keep emus here, but was lifted in 2007, cos they were wild and dangerous lol Govt..didn't do homework properly lol bought 6 eggs as soon as I saw eggs for sale. 3 hatched, 3 not fertile. They are now 13 and ,love them, the...
  14. Calla

    What kind of plant is this?

    Thanks chickenlittle, well spotted. I had this plant for years, all my poultry love it, chopped up in their treats, so much so, they have gone off their normal grain lol they we re very talkative and asked me, Mum can we have more of this weed lol spoilt rotten lol So I planted clumps in...
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