Recent content by carp

  1. carp

    Need home for hen in Seattle area

    Hi everybody, I had a flock of three, but something has killed two of my birds. Whatever it was tore holes in my coop to get to them. I don't have the know-how or money to fix my coop and make it saf . Plus health problems have been making it harder to do things like clean the coop. So I'd...
  2. carp

    Chickens limping, no sign of injury

    Hi all, About two months ago, one of my chickens started limping badly on her left foot and didn't want to move at all. There was no sign of injury or bumblefoot. I searched online for possible causes and ruled out being eggbound. I thought maybe she had a stroke based on what I read on this...
  3. carp

    How to feed chickens without feeding the rats

    I've had my chickens five years, and we've always had rat problems. But in the last couple of months, the rats are eating so much food that I'm going through twice as much feed. They come out early in the day and empty the feeder by the afternoon. We aren't keen on trying to poison the rats...
  4. carp

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Worst Chicken Molt Pictures - Fall-Winter 2016

    Here's Toast Princess, in the All other breeds category. This is the worst she's ever personally looked.
  5. carp

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Guess When We'll Reach 400,000 members and win a 7/01/2016 4:00 pm
  6. carp

    The time I tried to train my chickens to be pokemon

    There's chicken pokemon, and my chickens are super cute and smart, just like pokemon, so I figured I'd try a training session. Our first hurdle was the fact that they wouldn't get in the pokeball. So we tried our first battle. But a flying pokemon was too intimidating to them...
  7. carp

    Chicken has been "molting" for 5+ months?

    Thank you for the feedback! Today I looked her over carefully, and couldn't see any signs of mites or lice. She was still laying eggs as of a few days ago (since all four of them laid that day). Of all the chickens, she lays the most. Like nine out of ten days she lays an egg. I worry...
  8. carp

    Chicken has been "molting" for 5+ months?

    Hi everyone, My 18 month old red star has always looked a little ratty. She's at the bottom of the pecking order of four chickens, so she gets picked on. But they have a lot of space (100+ square feet normally, plus they get to explore a 2000 square foot yard when the weather is good). It...
  9. carp

    Is this bumblefoot? And is my vet treating it right?

    One of my girls definitely has bumblefoot and went to the vet yesterday. I check all their feet regularly, but missed the fact that another one of my chickens (a barred rock) had round black scabs on her toes (instead of where I expected the scabs to be). I washed her feet and cleaned the scab...
  10. carp

    No coop for a couple nights?

    Actually, we have a big enough garage that's going to be empty for a few days, so we can put them in there! We had been thinking of doing that anyway (we don't know what the larger predator situation in that area is yet). Now we just have to figure out if we can dismantle the coop to move...
  11. carp

    No coop for a couple nights?

    We're moving in a few days, and due to unforeseen circumstances, we may not have a coop for a couple nights (we thought we could move their coop, but it's much heavier than we thought, and we don't have the man power we thought we'd have either). They are mostly free range, but have an 4 x 8...
  12. carp

    Hen with scraped up legs

    Hi all. One of my girls cut/scraped her legs while she was free ranging today. Here's a picture after I had her soak her feet in some warm water for a bit to get the mud off: I washed the injuries off and applied neosporin, then bandaged them. So far, neither she nor the other chickens...
  13. carp

    Ants in the coop: Do I have to kill them?

    We get these tiny black ants all over our garden and yard, but we don't mind them. They don't bite, they don't get in the house, and they don't bug our plants. But now they're all over the chicken coop, in the pine shavings and crawling on the walls. The girls eat some of them, but not many...
  14. carp

    Organic mulching questions

    Hi all. Along with learning about raising chickens, I'm also learning about gardening (I recently moved into my grandpa' sold house which is on some farm land). I had only ever grown plants in containers on my apartment patio before now. We had an old willow tree that had to be taken down...
  15. carp

    I'm finally getting chickens!

    Here are my first two babies! We totally changed what breeds we wanted to get after I read a bunch more stuff on here. The first two are a banded rook and buff orpington. next week we plan to get a gold and a black sexlink. These two are doing well so far. The orpington (named Princess...
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