Recent content by carrierme

  1. carrierme

    Mean rooster

    Thanks for your reply
  2. carrierme

    Mean rooster

    I was wondering if hens will quit or slow down laying if a rooster is really aggressive to them? My 14 hens are only 2 yrs old but have gone from laying 14 eggs a day to 8 or 9. My rooster seems to be very aggressive to them.
  3. carrierme

    Very small egg.

    Thank you for the replies. I will surely watch but I don't know exactly which hen laid it as I have all sex links.
  4. carrierme

    Very small egg.

    She has laid about 3 so far.
  5. carrierme

    Very small egg.

    My sex links have been laying just over a year. For the past 3 weeks one hen is laying an egg that is about the size of a quarter. This egg has no yolk. Does anyone have an idea what is wrong with her or is this normal in their egg laying lives?
  6. carrierme

    Guinea refusing to come in, -35 C outside :(

    My guineas absolutely love mealworms. I think it is like crack to them. Try putting some on the ground near the tree so he can see them. Maybe he will be curious what it is.
  7. carrierme

    Rooster spurs

    I am wondering if anybody has ever trimmed their rooster spurs? Is this possible?
  8. carrierme

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    13 out of 14 girls.
  9. carrierme

    One hen laying outside

    Thanks for the reply.
  10. carrierme

    One hen laying outside

    All of my 14 hens are laying but only one of the hens will not lay in the nest boxes. She lays her egg outside in the run under the coop. I wonder if she is low hen on the ladder and the others are not allowing her to lay inside or some other reason. On another note, I bought a couple of the...
  11. carrierme

    Egg under roost??????

    If she is a young hen she may have been caught by surprise and laid the egg. I had one or two do that at first. They have eventually started using the nest boxes.
  12. carrierme

    Topic of the Week - When Do Pullets Begin Laying?

    I have 14 Red Star hens. One started laying about 17 weeks and each day another one would lay. They will be 19 weeks on Tuesday and so far 9 have started laying. Just 5 more to go. They are also laying large eggs. Yesterday I had a double yoke.
  13. carrierme

    Only one egg

    At 17 weeks I had one chicken lay an egg and then skipped a couple of days and laid another. I think that it takes a little time for their systems to regulate itself. Out of 14 hens, I have 5 laying now but I am usually seeing 3 to 5 eggs a day so far. It won't be long before they all are laying...
  14. carrierme

    Hens not using nesting boxes!

    Thank you. I just need to be patient with them I guess.
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