Recent content by Caterpillars

  1. C

    Using a grinder and meat press....

    I would add some Moo Glue (brand name transglutaminase) to the ground bird to help it all stick together. Make your own nuggets.
  2. C

    Likelihood that California will ban the sale of chickens?

    Those are questions to pose to your local legislature, from city council on up.
  3. C

    Hatching chicks and using a Roos as meatbirds

    Feather sexing on new hatchlings only works on specifically bred crosses, and since you don't know the parentage of your chicks to be, it won't work. You'll have to wait until the chicks are 6-8 weeks to know which are cockerels and which are pullets.
  4. C

    Is my pig pregnant?

    She looks pregnant.
  5. C

    can a chick be raised alone?

    Poultry and bees are not delivered door to door. You must go pick them up at your post office.
  6. C

    Eat the comb or feet?

    Candied cockscombs recipe from D'artagnan here.
  7. C

    Can a drake get it on with a pullet?

    If you're asking will drakes rape hens and pullets, the answer is yes. You can wind up with dead/horribly injured chickens. Ducks have penises, chickens do not. If you're asking "can I make duck/chicken hybrids?" the answer is no.
  8. C

    Can a broody hen throw off everyone's laying?

    Why did you take the babies away from Mom?
  9. C

    Soft wood savings dried with kiln?

    A kiln is a gigantic drying oven. It's the tool that dried the chips, not an additive. It's fine for bedding.
  10. C

    Processing Turkeys - Questions and Ranting??

    Good for you to recognize that you need to process your birds before they kill each other. It doesn't mean it'll be easy, but you have made a good decision. Your jenny/young hen will thank you, too. Fasting the birds makes it easier to clean their carcasses, but it's not 100% necessary either...
  11. C

    Chicken food

    I 'tricked' my birds into new food by making the new food into mash. It's not a treat but they don't know that.
  12. C

    Transitioning from roofed to roofless run

    Solar panels. Cut your power bill and cover your run.
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