Recent content by chickorama

  1. chickorama

    Are My 7 week-olds OK at 48 degrees F?

    They'll be fine if they're 7 weeks. Our 6 week olds are outside, but they had a heat lamp. Last night it died, and in the morning they were just as happy and healthy as ever.
  2. chickorama

    How much should you handle new chicks

    The more you hold them when they are young, the sweeter they'll be when they're older. I held my flock all the time as babies, and now they'll all eat out of my hand.
  3. chickorama

    Are all roosters annoying buttheads?

    To get right to the point, Yes.
  4. chickorama

    What do you do with roosters?

    Kill 'em.
  5. chickorama

    What all should a normal chicken keeper have?

    Our flock got vaccinations for just Marek's disease, and they are all fine.
  6. chickorama

    d'uccle Experts (or not so much)

    I've always heard it day-OO-kell.
  7. chickorama

    I really wish I had a broody hen...

    Cute picture, but get real. As far as I know, dogs associate chickens with meat and feather ripping rather than with cuddles. My dog is a prime example of this.
  8. chickorama

    "Ameraucanas" & brown eggs . . .

    Some kinds of EEs do lay brown eggs... just kind of pinkish brownish...
  9. chickorama

    Desert plum homestead chickies (PIX FINALLY!)

    Naked necks are SO hysterical looking . They crack me up!!!
  10. chickorama

    First time chicks! Here is a pic! Anyone know what type?

    A bigger picture would be helpful. Its kinda hard to see.
  11. chickorama

    **Does anyone know what this is?**

    60ACRES wrote: Get feed for it?? I have to keep this thing?? well its either that or abandon it in the parking lot again... you want to have that on your conscience??
  12. chickorama

    Araucanas or Ameraucanas?

    Ummmm... they are the same breed, but one is bred off the other. If you order araucaunas, you'll probably get ameraucaunas anyway, because purebred araucanas are so rare that most hatcheries don't stock them.
  13. chickorama

    My ducks are massive pooping machines...normal?

    Birds poop. There's no stopping them.
  14. chickorama

    Do I want turkeys..?

    I say you should take them. $4.00 sounds like a pretty good deal.
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