**Does anyone know what this is?**

Well, I am hatching my Canadian goose eggs and the baby will be raised with my African geese. If it flies off with all the other Canadians that come here, so be it. I was not just leaving the egg sitting out in the middle of nowhere, so in the incubator it went. It is fertile and growing and I guess I will see if it hatches, Monday or Tuesday should be the due date.
Everything has a hunting season (unless it is endangered), but if you disturb or hunt birds or animals out of season there are consequences. You can own Canadian geese, just need a permit.
60ACRES wrote:
Get feed for it?? I have to keep this thing??

well its either that or abandon it in the parking lot again... you want to have that on your conscience??​
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Hey cajun dude, hunting Canadian geese is not illlegal everywhere. We have month long seasons on them here, 2 of them. They also issue damage permits because they are becoming such a nuisance. Every so often the USDA will slaughter thousands of them because there's just too many. I have a friend who works for the USDA and he actually got tired of slaughtering so many of them, LOL. Paid for by our tax dollars, instead of just opening the seasons up more.

But there most certainly is season on them here in IL, as well as IA, and NY. (States I've lived in). A simple google search of goose hunting regulations should show you the info.

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