Recent content by cjstanman

  1. cjstanman

    Havahart trap not trapping coons.

    I tried the live trap first to catch whatever was destroying my chicken flock. The only thing I have ever caught in the live trap is a stupid chicken and one bunny, lol. I saw the Duke trap on line and tried it. I use the larger marshmallows and bam! I caught 8 raccoons in as many months. I too...
  2. Coop Design 1

    Coop Design 1

    The Epic Chicken Coop! ** Updated 2/27/2011 - see updated pics at the bottom. ** I believe it's time. Time to capture the epic adventure that is .... the Chicken Coop. Really, I don't know what the hell we were thinking. It went something like this. "Hey, let's expand our chicken...
  3. cjstanman

    Individuals willing to help process by state, area

    BYC user name: cjstanman Given name: Jan Country: USA State: North Carolina Area: Raleigh Equipment: Killing cone, chicken catcher (like a small version of a shepherd's crook to catch them by the legs), stainless steel restaurant-style double sink, turkey fryer (only used for scalding...
  4. cjstanman

    Dealing with chicken leg injury (hanging from fence)

    "Wallflower" - great name, ha ha! My silly girl is doing better and better - eating, drinking, and reigning supreme over all she beholds, ha ha! Still lying down for the most part, but has started scooting around a bit. Thanks to all for your advice and good wishes! Jan
  5. cjstanman

    Dealing with chicken leg injury (hanging from fence)

    Nope, no blood or open wounds, and the rest of her leg looks okay. She's doing much better and is now trying to hobble a little, using a wing as a crutch.
  6. cjstanman

    Dealing with chicken leg injury (hanging from fence)

    First of all, thanks to all who have posted previously on dealing with chicken leg injuries - it was a big help to me! I have 26 hens and one of the younger ones decided to fly to the top of the 6' chain link fence section to check things out. Apparently she got tangled up when trying to get...
  7. cjstanman

    Hog rings, poultry fencing and chain link

    Oh, nice tip on the Harbor Freight - we do have one in town, that's where I got my barrel dollies from. Thanks!
  8. cjstanman

    Hog rings, poultry fencing and chain link

    In my never-ending quest to find an easier way to work with poultry fencing, I learned all about "hog rings." Our chicken run is built from piecing together 10' sections of chain link dog kennel. I wanted to attach a shorter layer of cheap poultry fencing to the bottom part of the panels. I...
  9. cjstanman

    Tips for working with chicken wire / poultry netting? ** updated **

    Just wanted to follow up and show everyone what I managed to get done. I was trying to make a lid for a brooder box using poultry netting / chicken wire. I had tried a slap stapler (fail) and also a Bostitch pneumatic stapler (fail). I then tried an Arrow stapler (better) and ended up...
  10. cjstanman

    Tips for working with chicken wire / poultry netting? ** updated **

    Thanks! That all makes perfect sense and I feel silly now - we use the lath/sandwich method when putting plastic sheeting over the openings in our greenhouse, derrr! Should've realized that could easily transfer over to this. Glad I asked.
  11. cjstanman

    Tips for working with chicken wire / poultry netting? ** updated **

    I have been searching but not finding much. Does anyone have tips for working with chicken wire? For example, we are making a wooden brooder box with hinged lids. The lids have a cut-out and I want to cover that with chicken wire. (I am not talking hardware cloth, with the small squares. I...
  12. cjstanman

    Chicken Coop names: What did you name your coop/coops

    Our coop and interconnected dog kennels are all referred to as the "Henitentiary."
  13. cjstanman

    Built a 10x12' coop from scratch

    Quote: Although I could be wrong, it appears from the pic that the concrete slab is only a couple inches higher than the exterior soil. Building codes require a minimum of 6 inches from soil to wood, in this case, your siding and the bottom of the framed wall. Concrete is actually porous and...
  14. cjstanman

    Built a 10x12' coop from scratch

    Thanks, everyone! Liamm_1, what do you see that we should be aware of regarding rain? I forgot to mention in the post that we are almost done putting up gutters.
  15. cjstanman

    Built a 10x12' coop from scratch

    Yep, we are officially nuts, ha ha! I finally gathered pics and details and posted them on my page. (Didn't want to post the whole thing twice, figured I would just post the link to my page.) Note: I'm trying to go back...
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