Recent content by Eliaria

  1. Eliaria

    Hen attacked. Skin on back of neck is gone.

    My rooster would make those wounds on my girls. He killed one and almost killed another doing it so he’s separated now. For her, keep it clean and leave her separated from the others until it heals up a decent amount before reintroducing her to the others. If it’s another chicken, then you need...
  2. Eliaria

    Difference in Easter Egger vs Olive Egger

    Realistically, nothing. All olive eggers are Easter eggers. Easter eggers can lay any color from blue, green, cream, white, and browns (but the main goal are various shades of green from soft sage, to mint, to olive). Olive eggers are a sub category of EE’S bred to lay green, specifically...
  3. Eliaria

    Hi. I am new to chickens. I got two buff colored “Americana” from the feed store which I’ve come to understand are Easter eggers. Since they are bot

    Oh my my my I love that blue egg. I have NEVER gotten a blue egg from a hatchery EE/Ameraucana/Americana and between me and my cousins, not a single blue out of at least 20 over the years. the only time I ever got blue eggs was when another cousin was breeding Ameraucanas for 4H and I got 2 for...
  4. Eliaria

    Easter Eggers or Ameraucana?

    I think Meyers and MPC get their stock from the same source. You will always get BBS when breeding blues so I expect this. And that's true, the Americana bothers me as well. Maybe they think they'll get hard core patriots to buy the birds that way. I never hold bit hatcheries to high standards...
  5. Eliaria

    Meyer Hatchery Blue Ameraucana, what color eggs did your hens end up laying?

    Did you ever get your blue eggs? I'd like to see them if you wouldn't mind if you still have her. I know when I saw the order for the Blue Ams from Meyers, the order had one black, a bunch of blues, and a few splash chicks. It's the BBS effect.
  6. Eliaria

    Townline Easter eggers

    I see Townline is still saying they have true Ameraucanas on their site when the bird pictured is not one. Here are my Townline EE's (I don't know why they lie to people it's so underhanded and I have no respect for any of these hatcheries that lie to their customers). Below: This is my...
  7. Eliaria

    Easter Eggers or Ameraucana?

    I believe if you cross a dark brown to blue layer, you have a good chance of getting an olive layer (or lighter green if it's a lighter brown), but you still have a certain percent that will come out brown (for example, you may get 19 various shades of olive but 1 will be brown, if not more)...
  8. Eliaria

    Anyone know what breed this is?

    I say all the ones you posted are roos. The tan one has pointed feathers coming in around the neck and quite a bright red comb already. The shoulders look pretty dark too, perhaps a full body side shot would help.
  9. Eliaria

    What am I?

    The two with the big red combs sticking up are undeniably roosters at this point. Those are buff orpingtons for sure, and they lay a light brown/cream colored egg. On the plus side the ladies are generally very gentle chickens and make for great backyard chickens. I always get a mix of breeds...
  10. Eliaria

    What breed is this chick?

    Looks like a Blue Andalusian from here
  11. Eliaria

    Easter egger???

    Did she ever lay? She's so pretty! I love mixes like her
  12. Eliaria

    Townline Easter eggers

    Whenever you get Ameraucanas from a big hatchery, they will never be true Ameraucanas (I believe the exception is Meyer's As they do say theirs are not to be confused with EE and others have great reviews on them but don't quote me on that). They will always be EE's (I love EE but it's false...
  13. Eliaria

    Choose Your Favorite Chicken Breed

    1: New Hampshire 2: Sussex
  14. Eliaria

    Malware Central!

    I wasn't having pop ups but there were massive ads down the side of the pages a few days ago where it's normally blue. They were bright red and white, but I can't recall what the ad was for. It was so slow and the pages continued to crash. It's still really slow and lagging terribly but when I...
  15. Eliaria

    Pics of your most colorful eggs!!

    My BCM finally started to lay! So pleased as this assortment. Just need blue now
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