Recent content by firsttimechic

  1. firsttimechic

    Broody Hen - 22 days & NO hatching :-(

    I have a broody RIR hen and allowed her to sit on 8 eggs. 2 weeks later, I came out to check on her as I do every day and found 1 egg shell broken and in pieces and the egg missing and the other was nicely rolled out of her brooder box nest. When we did research (told it was probably a bad...
  2. firsttimechic

    Roost Bob and Wave!

    He is roughly 5 months old. I can try and grab a video tonight.
  3. The Chicken Palace!

    The Chicken Palace!

  4. firsttimechic

    Roost Bob and Wave!

    I have a Barred Rock Rooster, every time I talk to him he shakes his head back and forth and his kneck looks like a slinky - it goes down and then pops right back up. I live in AL, it's hot during the day and cools down at night, so it isn't frostbite & he doesn't have's only when I...
  5. firsttimechic


    Thank you, I'll definately try that!
  6. firsttimechic


    I don't know the dimensions, but just plain chick feed
  7. firsttimechic


    I have 23 chicks, all have done absolutely fine in the big brooder box at home until last night. Out of nowhere one of my little Buff Orpington's took a nasty pecking. What might have caused this and is there room to assume once she's healed and able to be placed back in the group this might...
  8. firsttimechic

    Brooder Box

    I do not currently have any other chickens in the coop, so it shouldn't be a problem.
  9. firsttimechic

    Brooder Box

    I will have Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orpington's and a few Maran's.
  10. firsttimechic

    Brooder Box

    Yes, they will have a coop to roost in at night with nesting boxes, as well as a large fenced in run to be in during the day
  11. firsttimechic

    Brooder Box

    I am purchasing 23 chics, how big does the brooder box need to be?
  12. firsttimechic

    Coop Training

    Currently what we're doing and hoping to have the 3rd wall up by week end. I was just curious as to what kind of "training" I needed to be ready for. ALSO, I've read a lot about covering nest boxes with slitted cloth for privacy for egg this necessary or a big problem if not done?
  13. firsttimechic

    Coop Training

    I kind of thought I might too but it does get extremely hot in AL in the summer, won't that be too hot you recon?
  14. firsttimechic

    Coop Training

    That's kind of what I thought on the coop training. Do you seal off the run at night then?
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