

In the Brooder
Mar 19, 2015
I have 23 chicks, all have done absolutely fine in the big brooder box at home until last night. Out of nowhere one of my little Buff Orpington's took a nasty pecking. What might have caused this and is there room to assume once she's healed and able to be placed back in the group this might happen again?

I don't know the dimensions, but just plain chick feed
What age?

It looks to be about 4X4.
LF from 1-8 weeks should have about 2.5 sq. ft. per bird. 4X4 = 16 sq. ft.. 23 chicks would need at least 50 sq. ft. so I'm suspecting a crowding issue.
Also, having light on 24/7 can make them a little on edge. A non-light producing heat source allows a dark period each day.
It isn't always a problem but when problems arise, it's time to look for causes.

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