Recent content by FreeRange Drulie

  1. FreeRange Drulie

    Our Flock 6

    Our Flock: The Roo Laying Hens: 5 Easter Eggers 4 Black Australorps 2 Barred Rocks 1 Buff Orpington 6 Organic Valley Birds and 31 almost P.O.L. birds that we hatched out in the beginning of the summer. (cant wait!) We also have plans of a new hatching in...
  2. FreeRange Drulie

    Freerange Drulies Member Page

    Our FreeRange Flock Our coop is nestled in the midwest on a 27 acre organic vegetable farm in Wisconsin and we have been raising our chickens in an organic and sustainable way. Our chicken obsession started around the spring of 2009 and we have been seriously hooked since! Starting with...
  3. FreeRange Drulie

    Hatching and need eggs!

    We want to set a hatch for Feb. 3-5 and we need some eggs to put in it! I think we might be ordering some Salmon Faverolles but that's only 12+ eggs. Does anyone know where we could get some fun breed that would do well in the north Midwest? and could ship by Monday Feb 1st? Any advice on...
  4. FreeRange Drulie

    I NEED to KNOW ANYTHING and EVERYTHING about COCHINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quote: again returned no hits for me. thanks for trying. wonder what's up?
  5. FreeRange Drulie

    I NEED to KNOW ANYTHING and EVERYTHING about COCHINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quote: It didn't work for me either. Also no reason to talk down to anyone, it's just someone asking for help. ps. merry christmas
  6. FreeRange Drulie

    Help With hatch PLZ!

    We are having a seriously weird hatch! On day 21 we had no pips or cheeping, and then on day 22 we had two hatch, day 23 we had 1 more hatch and 1 peep. Today is day 24 and we just had a pip. So a total of only 3 live chicks and two peeps. I am very disappointed. With our previous hatch we...
  7. FreeRange Drulie

    Pros and Cons of Various Incubators

    Go with the Broody Momma, it may take more attention from you but it will be worth it. Check on them everyday and make sure to separate her from the flock and give her own "special" ( warmer) area GL!
  8. FreeRange Drulie

    mail order eggs

    Okay we just ordered our first mail ordered eggs. and I'm nervous We got 12 Salmon Faverolles from McCullum Farms website. What has been people success rates and is there anything I should watch out for. Should I make sure that they are not delivered to my house.(hold them at the post...
  9. FreeRange Drulie

    Pros and Cons of Various Incubators

    two words: egg turner! makes the temperature so consistent, and also it makes for a more controlled environment. also it is easier to continue on with your everyday activities. I use the HovaBator. It has a great success rate and it was inexpensive. However I still think the best incubator is a hen
  10. FreeRange Drulie

    Who has still air Hova Bator

    With chickens we had 32 out of 41 hatch in the hova bator. We do have an egg turner thoe. But no fan. GL!
  11. FreeRange Drulie

    Kinda Funny Game a little brutal, but humorous
  12. FreeRange Drulie

    Organic feed for Broilers

    and you can see the difference our organic meet is a much richer yellow/ pink, than the pale white of conventional birds
  13. FreeRange Drulie

    identification tags

    We don't have a large flock, but we have enough barred rocks to not be able to remember each. So we were thinking about identification bracelets. But I don't know much about them so I wanted some advice. The questions I have What is the best type? I don't want them to hurt or even effect my...
  14. FreeRange Drulie

    Need advice about our "sort of aggresive" roo

    An idea on cooling off your roo: 1st: wear gloves (just in case) 2nd: Snatch him up and really embarrass him in front of the hens. Parade him around, even hang him upside down. Be the boss, and make sure its not attractive to the hens! maybe try it a few time a day if hes a real jerk. and...
  15. FreeRange Drulie

    1 egg from 40 birds...

    Thanks for the suggestions. This forum brings me hope! I like the idea of putting 10 or so in a separate run and trying different ideas people had. I'm pretty sure they are either spent or going through a molt. They don't appear fat. Some maybe more then others. They ALWAYs seem hungry! They...
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