Recent content by graciel57

  1. graciel57

    Modern Game Eggs?

    Anyone have any MGB eggs? They seem really hard to find and I'm not having any luck at it.
  2. graciel57

    Sexing my turkeys

    I've raised a lot of turkeys over the past 15 years, still have about 100 out here. You've got two toms and a hen.
  3. graciel57

    Different colored turkey poults and how to breed them

    I don't know that I consider Calico a particular colour, more as a type of look. With modifiers, you're going to have a hard time with some birds knowing if red is in them or not. When I started turkey feather colour close to 20 years ago, Calicos were just a tricolour turkey and I tend to...
  4. graciel57

    Different colored turkey poults and how to breed them

    Like R2elk says, you might be looking at white or a palm type. Just can't tell too early. Give them a few weeks, like five or six, and you'll know for sure. If these are heritage type bronzes they could be either very easily. If they Broad Breasted bronzes, they are most likely white...
  5. graciel57

    Official BYC Poll - Which Breed Characteristics/Traits are the Most Important to You?

    If I had to choose one, it would be egg production. But I can also check EVERYTHING and it would be true, because I keep different breeds for different reasons. If I could only check one, and only one breed based on that, it would be Leghorns for eggs. They are wild coots, but they lay a nice...
  6. graciel57

    Yellow Spangled?

    Thanks, Moonshiner. Do you meant that mottle expresses more on males than females? Or is it simply an individual thing depending on modifiers that different birds might have? I had always thought it varied from bird to bird never minding the sex.
  7. graciel57

    Yellow Spangled?

    Thanks for the input. I don't see calling them buff because they didn't come from buff, that look came from Pumpkin, and the roosters are nothing like the hens when they come out in this colouration--they are more white with dark pumpkin (and there is no recessive white or dominant white in...
  8. graciel57

    Yellow Spangled?

    I'm curious what others would call this colour. The second photo is of the bird perched on the blue pail in the first photo. I have four or five pullets like her, but most of them have variations on this colour. The cockerels tend to be more of a spread on their appearance. Ten years ago...
  9. graciel57

    Beginner turkey breeding

    Ha ha! Good luck trying to limit turkeys! They are WAY too much fun. I'm putting five dozen in the incubator this week, and I've been doing it since 2001 . . .
  10. graciel57

    Calling genetic gurus!

    I'm not the best at colour genetics, in fact, I came here to ask a question myself. :) But IMO, the white rooster did all of the breeding of the buff hens, and he is a recessive white over E or E^Br. The white hens are most likely that genetic combo also. So to get all of the chicks with...
  11. graciel57

    Pyncheon Problem

    Thanks for the reply, Eggcessive. Yes, I've wondered about Marek's, but again it's only the Pyncheons that have showed up with it. Plus, they've never been around adult birds at all, and on top of that, I've never seen Marek's on my farm, anyway. They are on wire because they are living in...
  12. graciel57

    Pyncheon Problem

    Hi, I was just looking for information on my Pyncheons. I had a young male chick earlier this spring that went down in the legs when he was maybe 4-6 weeks old. I thought at the time he had brained himself on the top of the brooder, waited him out and after a couple of weeks, he was better...
  13. graciel57

    Mille Fleur Leghorn Thread PIC HEAVY

    FVRM, I think it depends on your outlook. Some might say cull and just keep the average looking amount of white, and after while you will breed out the modifiers that are making the birds whiter. But others will say that it doesn't really matter as long as you aren't getting excessive white...
  14. graciel57

    **12+ Wheaten/Blue Wheaten AMERAUCANA ** Buy It Now

    Just wanted to say I had a great hatch of 11 chicks, and those eggs are BLUE! Best blue eggs for depth of colour I've had. Wonderful packing job gave me that great hatch, too. Thanks so much! People, if you want blue eggs, these are the ones to get! :)
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