Recent content by Gravedigger

  1. Gravedigger

    Committed to get ckicks in Monday

    One died today with no apparent reason.
  2. Gravedigger

    four weeks what should be feed

    My 15 birds have gone through 100#s of DuMOR Chick Starter/Grower 20%. Should I continue or switch to something else?
  3. Gravedigger

    Committed to get ckicks in Monday

    Three and half weeks in and all doing well. They have been in the tractor since Saturday (4days)
  4. Gravedigger

    Committed to get ckicks in Monday

    2 weeks in and alls good. Tractor framed , roofed and wire around perimeter. Access doors/roof of wire area needs to be completed. Using 1x2 wire.
  5. Gravedigger

    Committed to get ckicks in Monday

    One week down. So far no losses and everyone's healthy. Gotta start building tractor but it keeps raining.
  6. Gravedigger

    Committed to get ckicks in Monday

    Cornish crosses. I don't know hatchery as I bought from a farm who buys 400 at a time and sells what he can then raises the rest. Finally got chicks after being a member since 2008.
  7. Gravedigger

    Committed to get ckicks in Monday

    Finally was able to pick up 15 day old chicks yesterday. Only paid a buck apiece.
  8. Gravedigger

    What meat chickens should I raise? What's the differences?

    The chart mention on feed quiaties is it available ?
  9. Gravedigger

    Committed to get ckicks in Monday

    I have Premier heating plate on the way to keep chicks warm. Definitely trying fermented feed. How much feed should I start fermenting for twelve chicks that I'm picking up Monday or Tuesday? Been to the learning center, member here since 08 and raised quail in high school(grad '81) just...
  10. Gravedigger

    Committed to get ckicks in Monday

    Found answers to most of my questions Only real question left is how soon I can put them in the tractor where I live, North eastern Maryland?
  11. Gravedigger

    Committed to get ckicks in Monday

    Feed the fifty pound bag then go to grower ?
  12. Gravedigger

    Committed to get ckicks in Monday

    I committed to get 12-15 cornish chicks on Monday. This ill be my first time raising chicks Now I have to get everything together. How much starter will I need for week old chicks? How muc
  13. Gravedigger

    First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

    How old are the cx chicks you put in the coop?
  14. Gravedigger

    kiddie pool brooder question

    That's a good point. Available locally so I'll check.
  15. Gravedigger

    kiddie pool brooder question

    pie r squared 3.14x3x3= 28.26 sq ft I thought 1 sq foot per bird
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