First Run of Cornish Cross Meat Birds and Super Excited!

They would be mush under a cow herd feeding frenzy.

I also know you will never change your Grandpa's mind, I am assuming he is of my generation and when I grew up on a farm you fed an animal all it wanted to eat. It is hard to do, limiting the food intake seems unnatural, but it really works.

I even watch the feed Bert has access too. I feed him low value food and force him to hunt and scratch for his food. Of course, he is trying to become a woman's man and spending more time wooing the girls than eating.

Cows can out run our dogs, our milk cow caught one of the turkeys once!!! And them suckers can run.

He is from your generation.
Sorry for not writing for so long, i ended up with a cellulitis infection and was hospitalized for 3 days :( then i had to heal.

Good news, my bf is building me a duck pen this weekend and said i can get a turkey chick or two or three.. so what breed of turkey do i want? Ralphie?!

I'm looking for cayuga, runner and khaki campbell ducks over the next couple weeks as well as quail.

Oh and i picked up 1000lbs of non medicated gluten-free organic non gmo chick starter finally b/c i couldn't take being gluten bombed and my bf couldn't stand me crying when i thought of not having chickens again.
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DK I would get Blue Slate or Narragansett. Glad you're out of the hospital and are doing better. I love cayugas but if you want a nice calm pet don't get them. Ours were wild from day one. Our pekins are nice and fantastic layers.
DD welcome back.. Glad your doing better.

We may have to change the name of Jessicas bar and grill to St Jessica's hospital ward.....

I have no idea what kind of turkey you should get. I like my red and blue slates.....

I think the lavenders are pretty, but then I see some of the colored ones and I wish had them.

Personally, I am stuck with JJ and Ethel offspring just because they have such great personalities

As I get better going to separate my turkeys. JJ and Ethel will be going in one pen and one jake and the other hens in another. The left over Jakes will be heading to freezer camp to become left overs. Unless I make a bachelors pen for them to get bigger in. I will not let them free range again until I have enough eggs and babies. Finding turkey nests is way too hard to do in the wild.
As I get better going to separate my turkeys. JJ and Ethel will be going in one pen and one jake and the other hens in another. The left over Jakes will be heading to freezer camp to become left overs. Unless I make a bachelors pen for them to get bigger in. I will not let them free range again until I have enough eggs and babies. Finding turkey nests is way too hard to do in the wild.
We were lucky and ours laid under the nest boxes in the coop!!

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