Recent content by HanBrand

  1. H

    Lice and Mites - Pictures

    Will a mite treatment kill lice too?? My chickens have got something but I'm still trying to work out if it is mites of lice. Not even had my birds a year yet so new to this. Will a mite treatment kill lice too??
  2. H

    Comment by 'HanBrand' in article 'Cream Legbars - from chick to adult'

    This is a fantastic article. lovely to see them grow. My Cream Legbar has change so much as she has matured. She will be a year old in April. I wondered though, do your's enjoy to eat feathers? I can't mine eating feathers quite often. She tends to go for white weathers that blow over form the...
  3. H

    What to do ... Chicken sleeping in nesting box

    I might give that a go then. Picking up my silkie after dark and they are all settled to see if she will get used to the perch instead of the nest box. None of my chickens seems to have a favourite place to sleep anymore so hopefully they will let her join in. Thanks
  4. H

    pullets in molt

    I didn't think my Lavender Araucana would start laying until the spring as she hasn't laid any eggs yet and I thought the didn't lay much in the winter. But I got a lovely surprise for Christmas and got my first blue egg :D She doesn't have a comb so I didn't know how to tell when she would be...
  5. H

    What to do ... Chicken sleeping in nesting box

    Yeah I think she does get picked on a bit. My two original Bantams were awful to my silkie when I introduced the 5 new birds. Both of them would gang up on my silkie and the same time. Really mean. They all seems to have settled in now. I guess she is just as the bottom on the pecking order and...
  6. H

    Chicken clicking his beak?

    What does the clicking noise mean do you think? My rooster was doing it at me today
  7. H

    pullets in molt

    I haven't provided any heater for my flock over winter so far. It has been down to minus 5 degrees Celsius in the UK. I just figured the 7 of them would just huddle together for warmth. When I check on the they are cuddled up in 2 or 3 on different perches. When it's been really cold all 6 have...
  8. H

    Chickens not laying

    I got my Araucana in April she must be 7 to 8 months old by now. I haven't had an egg from her yet. My rhode island started laying earlier than I thought, especially as she is such a big bird! What age do Araucana's start to lay? Do I have to increase her protein?
  9. H

    What to do ... Chicken sleeping in nesting box

    My silkie sleeps in a nest box. She often is the last one in at night. I have two Bantams that were my originals and 4 other birds that were introduced the same time as the silkie but as she is so small maybe she feels intimated by the others. She has always slept in a nest box. I thought this...
  10. H

    Comment by 'HanBrand' in article 'Deciding To Free Range Your Flock'

    I do the same. I am too worried to let them out of theor run at all at the moment as my ducks were attacked. The Drake's defended them against a fox but it was too late for him. The ducks are now vary worried too. One morning they didn't even come out of the coop, even when the hensafe door went...
  11. H

    Comment by 'HanBrand' in item 'White Campbell'

    They are really lovely ducks they do like to follow me around. I was really shocked to find some eggs after 4 months. They were a really good size too. Then very mini eggs were laid. Then a break for a few weeks and today I started getting eggs again. I was hoping to breed white Campbell's but...
  12. H

    Duck Egg Size

    My smallest duck also started laying first. She is my khaki Campbell and she was around 18 weeks. I was so surprised as I thought they would need to be older before laying. I was even more surprised that the egg of bigger than some of my chicken eggs. Now a couple of weeks laters my Mixed...
  13. H

    Duck Eggs and when to eat them

    yes I have done that is the past with eggs from the supermarket that were "out of date". I ate those three eggs and I wasn't ill though luckily
  14. H

    Marans egg color variations and laying concerns

    I just found this colour chart online. I think my black copper Maran has started laying. At first I thought it must has been my rhode island red ad they weren't very dark (top right is closest to mine). I had a much bigger lighter egg a few days later so I'm guessing that is Reds egg. Wish the...
  15. H

    Duck Eggs and when to eat them

    Oh I see. I better be careful with the 3 eggs I have so far them. I did give them a quick rinse off in cold is water and they are not in the fridge :S thanks for the advice
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