Recent content by harrellkd

  1. harrellkd

    Ivermectin dosage for scaly leg mites

    Reviving an old thread so I can find it again, also wondering this same question!
  2. harrellkd

    Lavender Ameraucana Breeders .... UNITE

    Asking again.... Help?? Anyone?
  3. harrellkd

    Lavender Ameraucana Breeders .... UNITE

    The other bird ended up in a previous post....Bird #2 thoughts on color and sex? Bird #3 Bird #4 Bird #5
  4. harrellkd

    Lavender Ameraucana Breeders .... UNITE

    Six weeks old. Sorry you can't see the tail at all. Thoughts?
  5. harrellkd

    Faverolles Thread

    I have 14 SF in the bator due to hatch in about 5 days. Can anyone tell me what I'm looking for as far as good future breeding stock?
  6. harrellkd

    MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

    Day 7. Pulled 5 clears. I have 14 SF, 10 Barnyard mix, and (from what I can see) 4 BCM
  7. harrellkd

    INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

    Mehhhh. I have to pick which chicks to keep and which to sell. They're just barnyard mix and EE, but I can't decide!!! Help? I tend to choose One out of these two (any guess on what in the world they are is also appreciated) And one out of these EE
  8. harrellkd

    Cream Legbars

    So this hatched out of an egg I got from a friend marked CL/EE ??? She knows it was a CL hen, but her black Ameraucana Rooster had gotten into the pen, so she wasn't sure who the father was. What do you guys think?
  9. harrellkd

    MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

    I just put eggs back in!! Not sure who is keeping up with hatch on this thread (or if anyone is) @Sally Sunshine 15 Salmon Faverolles 4 Blue Copper Marans 9 Barnyard Mix (EExRIR)
  10. harrellkd

    "Shouldered Poultry Photo Contest" MAY~Land of the Free Because of the Brave HAL w/hosts Mike & Sall

    'Ol Frizzle Roo and I were rocking the top knot today! Such a friendly little guy!
  11. harrellkd

    MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

    Next question! It is supposed to get down to 37 degrees tomorrow night. Will she be fine keeping them warm if she does accept them?
  12. harrellkd

    Broody Hen Thread!

    She's never raised or been around chicks. This would be her first time :)
  13. harrellkd

    Broody Hen Thread!

    She is a blue copper marans. About 2 years old. Generally very sweet and friendly. Has been very diligent about sitting on her eggs. Poor thing.
  14. harrellkd

    MAY 2016 "Land of the Free Because of the brave!" Hatch-a-Long Hosted by, Mike & Sally

    Yes! She was. She has been very faithful to her eggs and really wasn't aggressive when I went to give her food and water. She puffed up and was noisey, but never tried to bite or peck. She is a blue copper marans. About 2 years old. Generally very friendly.
  15. harrellkd

    Broody Hen Thread!

    Yes. They did not make it. I'm just so afraid of her killing the chicks. Does you have any experience with this? What are the odds that she will accept them?
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