Recent content by harveyhorses

  1. harveyhorses

    Bluebird nest

    They fledged! 3 made it to the nearest cedar tree, outside the run! Whew.
  2. harveyhorses

    Bluebird nest

    thanks, I guess I just needed to see it in writing.
  3. harveyhorses

    Bluebird nest

    That's what worries me, there are no other trees or bushes within 'fledge distance'. It is 25-30 ft from the nearest Tree or shrub, and in the middle of the run. There is nothing for them to shelter. If a fledgling hits the ground, I don't think it will end well. I think moving The fence is...
  4. harveyhorses

    Bluebird nest

    I have not been Around much, things have been pretty good, considering what this year has been. I decided to move the girls fenced area to more of my yard so we can see them from the house. I didn't realize that the dilapidated falling apart bluebird hose was still being used. Pre fence move...
  5. harveyhorses

    Is this ordinance unfair? I need advice!

    I personally hate seeing horses on tiny little lots with no pasture or room to run about, and in rainy weather end up knee deep in mud and muck with nowhere else to go.
  6. harveyhorses

    Is this ordinance unfair? I need advice!

    Oh I totally get it, really I do, but defining 'a few' is where things get murky. That's where 6 turns into 12, etc. You could look at other neighboring areas and see what the rules are for them and use that as amo, or info.
  7. harveyhorses

    Is this ordinance unfair? I need advice!

    I have to ask how many do you want? An acre really is not that much, and while 12-15 chickens would be alright, chicken math sneaks in, and suddenly you have 30 or 40. Counties really do need to consider the impact on ground water, which eventually drains into rivers, etc. I'm on a double lot...
  8. harveyhorses

    Shades of white? Green? Washed out brown?

    It is an Off blue. Very very pale, weird because all my EEs are older, but I will take it. Thanks for the tips!
  9. harveyhorses

    Shades of white? Green? Washed out brown?

    LOL, no, I only compared it to the green ones. I will do that when I get home. Thanks!
  10. harveyhorses

    Shades of white? Green? Washed out brown?

    I have 3 EEs, 1 Speckled Sussex, 1 French Copper Marans, about a year and a half old 2 Russian Orloffs, 1 GLW, and 1 Barnevelder all Hatched in late December and all fairly new layers. Everyone is healthy and as happy as they can be in 98 degrees. Suddenly I am getting 1 white egg, I thought...
  11. harveyhorses

    What animal ate my babies?

    Think like a predator, if it can go through over or under, they will. they know where the buffet is now. I agree, bring them in until you secure the coop.
  12. harveyhorses

    Good laying breeds that are too fat or lazy to fly over electric netting?

    My Buff Orps were never inclined to fly, I think they thought it was beneath them.
  13. harveyhorses

    Leaving coop door open at night?

    As someone who has had a loss on someone elses watch, better safe than sorry. Or leave it open a few nights when you are home and make sure it is secure. I know how awful I would feel if I arrived in the morning to a slaughter.
  14. harveyhorses

    Shorty’s coop - design feedback please?

    Chiming in for the overhang, I'm using a shed the previous property owner built, and it is a 'lean-to' sort of roof. he left NO overhang and we get a lot of blowing rain, so the siding needs repainting more than I like and there is no room for any ventilation. I am replacing it this summer.
  15. harveyhorses

    Working with and Cutting Hardware Cloth

    I got a pair of hardware cloth scissors, they look like long tin snips, still a bear to work with, but more accurate than angle grinder, I'm not very good with it, yet. Secure at least one side before making that last cut.
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