Recent content by inwelynn

  1. inwelynn


    I took some pictures from a more carefully prepared fecal float. Do you think I'm looking at anything suspicious? These are things I'm not used to seeing in my goat experience. Thanks, again, guys!
  2. inwelynn


    Would yeast cause bloody poop? I'll aim for better pictures on tomorrow's slides! My vision isn't perfect, so what looks in focus to me often isn't so in focus to my camera!
  3. inwelynn


    I have Corid on order because my nearest Tractor Supply Company was out, and the next is many hours away. It should be here Monday. They've been on yogurt and vitamins for an entire month, long before I saw the blood, actually. Just as part of trying to diagnose the initial paralysis. I really...
  4. inwelynn


    Is this the one you think is a worm egg? These two chicks have never been outside with the goats, and are still on medicated starter/grower feed, so both worms and coccidiosis seem unlikely, but the bloody poop still concerns me. I'm going to do another fecal float tomorrow when I have more time.
  5. inwelynn


    Oops. That's the poop pic, not the microscope slide...
  6. inwelynn


    Ok. I did a round of fecal floats today. The only suspicious things are both on this image. 100x. The birds are stronger, hungrier, and more active than they've been in 6-8 weeks. They honestly don't look diseased at all. The blood is persisting, though. At the rate of about once per day. Any...
  7. inwelynn


    I'm a couple hours from any vets, and too new to the area to have one who will do it as a favor. I really appreciate your advice, though! I will call around, and see what kind of options I have. I also have a great microscope, plus the tools and knowledge to do fecal floats on my goats, so maybe...
  8. inwelynn


    Thanks. I will get Corid tomorrow. The lameness came on almost 8 weeks ago, and their appetites and attitudes have been fine. It's just their legs that stopped working. Would coccidiosis killed them after this long? I'll pick up medication to have on hand either way. If they don't have cocci...
  9. inwelynn


    About a month ago, I posted for help with two chickens who went suddenly lame at 5 and 7 weeks old. Well, they are both still hanging in there, and the hen has actually improved tremendously! She stands on her own, balances while she preens herself, and can even take a few steps at a time! Of...
  10. inwelynn

    What are my new girls??

    Sorry it took so long! I didn't see your request for a photo, Junebuggena! Here she is, legs and all!
  11. inwelynn

    What are my new girls??

    Thank you! I did wonder about the lack of beard/ear muffs on the blue one! She has more fluff around her beak than my sexlinks,, but it's nothing compared to the other Easter Eggers! I wondered about their other six EEs have varying shades of greenish legs, and both of these girls are...
  12. inwelynn

    What are my new girls??

    They were given to me as Lavender Ameraucanas. I don't know my breeds very well, so what do you all think?
  13. inwelynn


    Oops, Chicken Girl1...I meant to say that my mother-in-law thought the feed store had them labeled "Aracauna", but after I looked those up, I realized definitely not; if anything, they'd be "Ameracaunas". Still, my gut was saying EE. I'll definitely read the links you shared because I'm always...
  14. inwelynn


    Thanks! Easter Egger was my guess, too! Feed store lied to my mother-in-law! I'm fine with it, though. I don't plan to show them, anyway! I kind of have a side view pic...I'll try to get better pics when I'm hanging out with them today!
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