Recent content by KBlue

  1. KBlue

    We are new to this Chicken Thing!!

    Welcome to BYC from Texas! You'll be a crazy bird lady in no time.
  2. KBlue

    Help coming up with a new domain name for dumb people sharing fake stuff on Facebook

    ^^This is my fav. And I agree with OP completely, I don't know how many times I've told people that their stuff is junk. Ugh, I feel your pain!
  3. KBlue

    hi i'm new ;-)

    Wilkommen von Texas!
  4. KBlue

    Ever see anyone make scrambled hard-boiled eggs?

    Interesting idea....I admit I'm not a huge fan of hard-boiled eggs though, except when they are deviled. May have to try it anyway to see if it works for me.
  5. KBlue

    List All The Animals You Have

    2 dogs 2 cats 2 kids 1 DH not very exciting, I know....:)
  6. KBlue

    moving day

    Been there, done that. An interstate move is stressful, but enjoy it for what it is... an adventure into a new life. Kinda neat if you think about it. Best of luck!
  7. KBlue

    So you money savy people, HELP

    Yeah, CD rates aren't even worth the hassle anymore. It is better to put your cash in a money market account. Even though the interest on those is a pittance as well, you can at least access your money whenever you want... Why are the rates so low? Profits. Banks want to keep as much as...
  8. KBlue

    Gluten Free Lifestyle/Dieting

    My parents have been gluten free for about a year and my mother especially has been ecstatic about how much better she feels. My sister has also started to show signs of an intolerance and has mostly cut gluten out of her life too. Since this is looking to be genetic, at some point I'll likely...
  9. KBlue

    My first eggs!

  10. KBlue

    Color of my cochin chicks

    The pictures aren't all that great, but my guess is a golden-laced, barred, and black(maybe partridge)?
  11. KBlue

    My chickens have become a niusance

    Sorry to hear about your troubles. I'm thinking maybe a Hav-a-heart trap with some yummies on the inside may help capture them one by one. Otherwise put up a post on Craigslist to the effect of "Catch them and they're yours". some people would take up that challenge. Also if you can find...
  12. KBlue

    Quality hatchery?

    They'll probably look right, but, again, not show quality. Egg color on hatchery marans can be dark brown to regular brown. My mom got some several years ago from a hatchery and the egg color was only slightly darker than the regular brown egg layers....certainly not the dark chocolate brown...
  13. KBlue

    Worry wart Mama...

    The ones I'd not recommend for beginners are the games and Sumatras. Aggression tends to manifest itself more in those breeds, and even then the cockerels and roosters are the most guilty, hens not so much. Your rainbow layer assortment should not present a problem, and your "free exotic...
  14. KBlue

    Urban Backyard - Keeping the chickens in the yard?

    Extending the fence is an option, but a determined bird is going to get out. If you don't want to clip the wings, your best bet is to make sure your yard is a lot more interesting than the neighbors'. Treats, sandpit, throw scratch on the ground. Keep them occupied! I would clip one wing if...
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