Recent content by Kdrandr

  1. Kdrandr

    Avian Flu WARNING!!!

    That's a good idea.
  2. Kdrandr

    Avian Flu WARNING!!!

    I'm wondering about using purchased pine straw. I've been using it in my run and quite like it but I asked the other day where it comes from and they said it's raked up somewhere in eastern North Carolina. With the Flu a possibility especially in the fall maybe not a good idea? I'm thinking...
  3. Kdrandr


    Yuck! Gruesome
  4. Kdrandr


    Is there really no way to predator proof the whole thing, run and coop? I was going to extend hardware cloth onto the ground for about a foot around the entire thing. I've been looking at the automatic doors but they are pricey. I work late a lot of nights so I can't always be there to shut...
  5. Kdrandr

    Winecap mushrooms in run

    I had an interesting suggestion from a fellow chicken keeper today, wondering if anyone has heard of this or tried this. She puts wood chips down in her run and scatters wine cap mushroom spores on it. She says they absorb the smell, the chickens don't bother with them and you can eat the...
  6. Kdrandr

    Source for sand

    I'm thinking about using sand in my run. I'm a bit confused about where and how to get it and which type. I don't have a truck and the deliveries look too huge for my use. What is "washed masonry sand"? Is that ok to use? What about "washed coarse concrete sand"? Thanks Kim
  7. Kdrandr


    I don't have my chickens yet. I have a coop with a little run space underneath and I want to build something for a bigger run. I'm having trouble deciding between a stationary coop that is easier to make predator proof and something I can move so they have fresh ground. I was going to go with...
  8. Kdrandr


    Are raccoons a threat in the daytime? Im thinking about a lightweight run I can move around and that will protect them during the day from hawks and then they can be safe in the coop at night. I was thinking just regular chicken wire so it's cheaper but I know raccoons can reach through it...
  9. Kdrandr

    Making roof predator proof

    I am planning on building a coop something along the lines of the Triple C, the crouches coop. From what I can see in the pictures it looks to me like there is a space underneath the roof, an open space. Maybe I am not...
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