Recent content by kfsilver

  1. kfsilver

    Injured Leg Inhibiting Dust Bathing

    I have permethrin I will be using this weekend for the whole coop, once I can get new chopped straw. But if it will help to use DE as part of a manual dust bath in the interim, I am willing to do so as well.
  2. kfsilver

    Injured Leg Inhibiting Dust Bathing

    Just in case, this is Rocky currently (after eating some egg yolks).
  3. kfsilver

    Injured Leg Inhibiting Dust Bathing

    I agree about DE being an irritant, so I don't want to use it as the actual pest control. What I am thinking is to mix it with their regular dust bathing dirt and then use that to rub onto her?
  4. kfsilver

    Injured Leg Inhibiting Dust Bathing

    What do you mean by put her in the dust bath and do it for her? I am unclear how to do it for her. I am treating for mites--including a full coop spray with permethrin and bedding change planned this weekend. I am also going to be spraying the other hens and completely spraying the nooks and...
  5. kfsilver

    Injured Leg Inhibiting Dust Bathing

    I wasn't certain whether to post this here or in the pests forum, but since I am dealing with an injury that is causing this issue, I hope those here will have better answers. I have a Jersey Giant hen who is now (as of this month) eight years old. She has an injured leg that I have done my...
  6. kfsilver

    Anyone else second guess and feel decisive about euthanasia?

    This isn't helpful. Plenty of us do "waste" as you say, time and money on chickens because we become attached to them. Just because you don't doesn't mean no one else does. OP has lost an animal they were attached to. I think a little more empathetic of a response is the least we can all do.
  7. kfsilver

    Anyone else second guess and feel decisive about euthanasia?

    Euthanasia is such a hard decision. I'm really sorry you are going through this. It sounds like, though, her "better" days are still awful. It's tempting to compare their lowest points and their not-so-low points, and *want* to believe that means they will keep improving. But we have to take a...
  8. kfsilver

    Help unknown sickness/injury

    I can't speak for the neck or ear issues, but that is definitely bumblefoot on her feet. Bumblefoot is a staph infection, so the sooner you can treat that the better her own immune system can target the other issues. As has been mentioned, a warm (not hot!) soak will help soften the black scab...
  9. kfsilver

    Possible Mareks?

    I have a New Hampshire Red who does that back-up thing. Has since she was 2. She's turning 5 this year! It seems to happen when she thinks she is going to get pecked, and tries getting away by backing up quickly. Then she'll stop, kind of look around as if confused, then continue on as normal...
  10. kfsilver

    Hens suddenly stopped laying

    Hens lay when they are happy and healthy. Your hens are probably stressed from all the changes, including the worming and additional members, plus new food. Did you slowly integrate the new hens to the old? If you didn't, that is also very likely to stress them out. Give all of them time to...
  11. kfsilver

    Not sure what else to do for hen

    I am so, so sorry for your loss. Hugs if you want them.
  12. kfsilver

    Is this a concern? Irritated bald spot and possibly broody.

    Just wanted to second the response of typical broody plucking and not stress-plucking. I usually will spray Vetericyn on such a sore, but once you break the broodiness that should heal up and cover back with feathers just fine!
  13. kfsilver

    THIS IS AN EMERGENCY. What is wrong with my hen please help I am incredibly concerned!

    A warm bath will be good to do, even without the Epsom salt. The warm water will still help her muscles relax.
  14. kfsilver

    THIS IS AN EMERGENCY. What is wrong with my hen please help I am incredibly concerned!

    Is the feed medicated? Any particular reason these ladies are still on chick feed and not layer? Edit: just saw it's medicated. My browser wasn't showing all the replies, sorry.
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