Recent content by lgdnevada

  1. L

    My dogs are killing my chickens

    If you don't have an hour or two free to train the dog, then you can spend that hour later burying the killed chickens. Sums it all up in a nutshell. And I too strongly disagree with any type of hurtful, painful correction device (aka "The Lazy Shepherd collar") to discourage dogs from...
  2. L

    My dogs are killing my chickens

    Keep the dogs away from the chickens. Border collies as I'm sure you know, have high prey drive. They will herd and chase. Neither breeds that you own, are considered Livestock Guardians, and can't be, nor should be, trusted to 'do right' around fowl. Two years of age is too late to start...
  3. L

    Introducing dogs to chickens

    How about fixing your coop first so the chickens don't escape anymore. Try railroad ties on the ground or laying wire mesh on the ground and slipping it under the coop perimeter, so both inside and outside have wire on the ground that will prevent hens from digging out or dogs digging in; cover...
  4. L

    Spanish Ranch Mastiffs

    Here is a recent You Tube done by filmmakers out of LA, California, showcasing my Spanish Mastiffs who are not nor ever have been, shown. They work. Period. And their pups work, all over the USA and Canada. These are real Spanish Mastiffs, not crossbred fakes…
  5. L

    Spanish Ranch Mastiffs

    Don't feel bad. They have been able to sell their made up designer breed to a lot of people here who bought their line of BS. What they say they saw in Spain were more likely crossbreds of aboriginal dogs. Again, read my lengthy post above wherein I quote Falk and McNalley now trying to claim...
  6. L

    Dog killed chick

    :mad::smack More bad advice. Traumatic, painful, cruel. No guarantee it will even help solve the problem. These are animals not bricks, not machines. People, if you can't exercise common sense, brain cells, compassion, patience - then don't own dogs, don't own chickens. Go get a pet rock….
  7. L

    Dog killed chick

    Absolutely. I will agree with you once again. The first post by the OP is disturbing to say the least - "right now I hate her" - what kind of a person says that about a puppy who accidentally killed ONE chick - ONE chick, mind you, not a whole flock. The OP's rabid eagerness to use a gun on...
  8. L

    Dog killed chick

    And if you accidentally hit the dog?? :thumbsup:thumbsup:thumbsup Thanks - yeah, my thoughts exactly.
  9. L

    Dog killed chick

    If you are going to kick the dogs out of the house and into a kennel, maybe you should just find a new home for them. That solves your chicken problem. My thoughts exactly. That - or 1. Stop free ranging your birds and coop them up or build a fenced area for them; or 2. Have realistic...
  10. L

    Alternative Chicken Protection

    jvls1942 :thumbsup I don't call what you are doing "overkill" - you sound to me like you are wisely and prudently using real LGDs to guard poultry. I've never seen a rooster who could last long "protecting" anything of any size on four legs. Easy bait for dogs, coyotes, wolves, bear, and yeah...
  11. L

    Livestock guardian dogs
  12. L

    Livestock Guardian Dogs Keep Heritage Hens Safe

    Not everyone on this forum lives in town, Mary.
  13. L

    Guard dogs

    I really want to thank those obstinate people in this forum (most of whom I have blocked by now; dang, I love that feature - tee hee) perpetually arguing over what constitutes a real, recognized LGD breed or not. Your posts have given me plenty of fodder to blog about….!
  14. L

    Guard dogs

    Thanks tasty acres - I saw you posted a question in the other forum the other day, I have not been in there in a long time….its a topic I'm working on a blog post for. I am glad you decided on a Bernese Mt. Dog - and hope you can find a reputable breeder!
  15. L

    Guard dogs

    What many others have also not taken into consideration here is the size and type of the non-LGD dogs they have 'guarding' their fowl. Perhaps all they have to worry about is a possum, raccoons and a fox. In other words, small predators that can be taken on by such small non LGD breeds. On...
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