Recent content by lleeme

  1. lleeme

    ISO advice need roo for dual purpose hens

    I recently decided to go from layers to dual purpose chickens. My remaining rooster however is a Golden Spangled Appenzeller Spitzhauben. I saw somewhere that they have a low fertility rate (not sure if they mean the roosters or hatch rate). Anyway, I think I need a new rooster to help my ladies...
  2. lleeme

    Prolapsed cocclia?

    I didn't want to handle her too much. I don't think so but will check when I get home in the morning. Thanks again for the help.
  3. lleeme

    Prolapsed cocclia?

    Thanks everyone. The calcium didn't work last night but I put antibiotic ointment on it. By this morning it was back inside, still no egg and her feathers were really messy. Had her soak her but in Epsom salt water, and gave her another calcium pill. She laid the egg before we left for church...
  4. lleeme

    Prolapsed cocclia?

    Stick it in her mouth and make her swallow?
  5. lleeme

    Prolapsed cocclia?

    I have one hen with a poopy butt, so I caught her this morning to clean it up and found her cochlea <sp> was outside. Is this from starining to get past poopiness or another issue. I cleaned it and tried to gently push back in but I think there is an egg on its way. I have placed her in a cage...
  6. lleeme

    Does your rooster do this?

    When I do anything with our nesting boxes Foghorn always goes in to make sure it is done to his standards.
  7. lleeme

    Scabs on comb

    My rooster has developed some weird scabs on his comb. I do not think they are from scratches, etc. Sometimes a hen will peck on it, but it does not seem to bother him. Anyone know what it is and what I can do to help? Antibiotic ointment?
  8. lleeme

    Comment by 'lleeme' in article 'Dilapidated Dresser to Nifty Nesting Boxes!'

    Just in time. I built a new coop for guineas and Ayam Cermanies and they will need nesting boxes soon. This seems easier than the buckets I was going to use. Will add pics when done.
  9. lleeme

    M I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter...ahh, nevermind....Mississippi

    Sorry, I have a lot of variety but no salmon faverolles roo. Also probably too far, North Central Mississippi close to Oxford. Sorry
  10. lleeme

    Soft shelled eggs, is this normal??

    My Smo My Smokey Pearl did this for a while when she first started to lay. She actually laid one on her way back into the pen from free ranging. She seems to be better now. She was one of the last of my spring chicks to start laying.
  11. lleeme

    No shell eggs

    She is a Smokey Pearl, got her as a chick from TSC in March. She has dropped them 3 times from the roost, the one I have pictures of they had been out free ranging, and she stopped suddenly. All the other girls were already in the run so I went to check on her. She semi squated and out it came...
  12. lleeme

    No shell eggs

    I have a Smokey Pearl hen who is laying eggs with no shells. I had posted concerns a couple of months ago when her comb and wattle suddenly turned from pink to dark grey. I was not sure who was laying these but I saw her do it on Friday! I have 7 layers and their eggs are fine, i have thought...
  13. lleeme

    Is this wood worth the money?

    I grab pallets and the separators they use to prevent the nylon ties that hold them together from biting into the wood. Great for all kinds of projects. We had nesting boxes in the run and coop. Needed more room in coop so repurposed them into poop boards.
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