Recent content by lukieseggs

  1. lukieseggs

    White Leghorns

    will you ship the chicks?
  2. lukieseggs

    Pros and Cons of having a rooster?

    He is a white Leghorn. they are known for doing a lot of talking. I also found out that he is really good with kids, not a usual trait of the leghorn breed.
  3. lukieseggs

    Lavender Orpingtons chicks/hatching eggs

    i am trying to get the lavender color into many of my breeds. i recently got 6 lavender hatching eggs and only 2 are growing. i would love to get chicks but will also take eggs. i am very into poultry i am even thinking of studying poultry in collage. please let me know if you have some chicks...
  4. lukieseggs

    Pros and Cons of having a rooster?

    i like my rooster very much! he protects the baby chicks from the hens who pick on them. the only thing is he starts crowing at 4 am. i keep him around because he has a high voice so it is very quiet by the time the sound hits the house.
  5. lukieseggs

    Review by '' on item 'Orpington'

    when people want to see or hold one of my chickens i get out the orpingtons. these chickens are very calm and i have never had a problem with them. they are not the best layers 150 to 200 eggs a year.
  6. lukieseggs

    Fruit for Laying Hens

    i feed my chickens all kinds of fruit and it never affects them. why would a hatchery say that?
  7. lukieseggs

    What is your Chicken's favorite treat?

    watermelon, and wax worms and some time i eat a apple and throw a bit to them. they chase each other around and around
  8. lukieseggs

    feeder ideas

    i wonder why chicks feel the need to poop in their food. i have tried to prevent that but it never works
  9. lukieseggs

    Help - Chickens scattering feed from hanging feeder

    my chickens have done this to. i took the feeder out for a while and just feed them by hand. when i put the feeder back in they no longer wasted the feed.
  10. lukieseggs

    Plants that are edible For chicken run

    i tried to grow some grasses in my run. i let them get thick before i let them play in it and they just destroyed the grass. it did take a while though it might be worth it though.
  11. lukieseggs

    She's so fat!

    is she a meat bird? it sounds like what a meat bird does they site right by the feed and just eat all day long.
  12. lukieseggs

    When to remove unhatched eggs from under a broody?

    look to see if the the air sack is filled up if it is i would say they died. i would wait till day 24 or 25 u just never know
  13. lukieseggs

    Uh-O! I think I'm addicted.

    first chicks were a school project and i got 5. i now have 25 with eggs in the incubator and more eggs comeing so that i can introduce a new breed. giveing egggs to people is a good way to get them addicted. all the little kids love to come to my house. he he
  14. lukieseggs

    30hr old chick alive but not moving around yet...

    one of my friends has had a few chick with that problem and they didnt last long.sorry i hope that i am wrong!!
  15. lukieseggs

    Ohhh Noooo !!!

    yea the eggs are fine my hen seemed to never get off the nest at one point i put water right next to her and she seemed to drink forever.
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