Recent content by mamadawn

  1. mamadawn

    Build a Chunnel...

    Your my kind of enabler Sounds like the beginning of a great adventure!
  2. mamadawn

    BriteTap nipple waterer

    I'm in Utah County. At first I checked the water every day it was below freezing just to see that it was coming on and make sure the light was on, and all was well. After that I just checked it as I changed the water and on extreme cold days. Checking it at a glance while visiting the girls...
  3. mamadawn

    Methods for keeping water from freezing

    Deb, sorry I just saw your question. I'll check in the morning- we got it at Ace Hardware. Dawn
  4. mamadawn

    BriteTap nipple waterer

    I'm with you- I love my BriteTap. The heat tape I got has a lil light that comes on when it's using power. So at a glance I know if it's on :) ok ol' man winter- I'm a ready for ya!!!
  5. mamadawn

    BriteTap nipple waterer

    A separate water for the summer was the plan- but the reality was I just unplugged it. The girls don't mess with it at all, so we'll see :)
  6. mamadawn

    Build a Chunnel...

    Sorry I didn't answer right away. I'm not on very often these days, but I did run out and measure and it's about 20.5 inches center pole to center pole and then the hardware cloth wrappes around the outside making it about 22 inches at the ground. I don't think there's any...
  7. mamadawn

    BriteTap nipple waterer

    Yes as far as I know. It works off a automatic built in thermostat, so I won't really know if it works again until gets cold enough- but everything looked good when I shut it down last year and I'm hopeful :)
  8. mamadawn

    Nipple waterers - a danger of frostbite in winter?

    Yes all my girls are the same size. I'm confident you'll find your solution- good luck and keep us posted
  9. mamadawn

    Nipple waterers - a danger of frostbite in winter?

    I can only add that last winter was very cold- the unit we put together worked like a charm! It came on automatically when the temp went below 32' My BriteTap never had a leak or drip. So I dident worry about frostbite and never noticed a problem. I would think a fountian the girls could splash...
  10. mamadawn

    Nipple waterers - a danger of frostbite in winter?

    We found a heat tape fix for the Brite Tap. We had below 0 for many weeks, last winter here in Utah and no frozen water. My setup is such that I have to have my water station in my covered run not coop. I love my Brite Tap really wanted to use it. I know this is NOT recommended by Brite Tap or...
  11. mamadawn

    Build a Chunnel...

    Wonderful! we'd love to see pictures of your finished project!!! Have fun!
  12. mamadawn

    Methods for keeping water from freezing

    So I found a fix... We've been freezing with sub 0 temps off and on for weeks here in Utah and no frozen waterer or nipples. My setup is such that I have to have my water station outside in my covered run, not coop. I love my Brite Tap really wanted to use it. (No open water for the girls to...
  13. mamadawn

    Buff Orpington Egg Color

    My BO lays a tan/ pink egg with odd dark speckles...
  14. mamadawn

    BriteTap nipple waterer

    Still LOVE this Brite Tap fix for freezing temps! I was going to add pictures 8 day ago. Life cought up with me as did continued sub o temptutes. Pictured is a thin layer of ice from the inside of the 2.5 gal iglo cooler. The majority of inside water was liquid. The clear water reservoir has...
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