Recent content by Melintir

  1. Melintir

    Orust chicken?

    How are they different look-wise compared to exchequer leghorn?
  2. Melintir

    Chick with misplaced legs

    I already culled it :(
  3. Melintir

    Chick with misplaced legs

    No, this is not a play. I've fixed splay many times before but this is different
  4. Melintir

    Chick with misplaced legs

    Not good, he just keep standing on the elbow, he couldn't even straightened the legs now and walk around using the elbow :( I think I will have to cull, which is sad since he seems to have very strong will to live, but I don't think he will have a quality life like this
  5. Melintir

    Chick with misplaced legs

    This guy hatched 2 days ago and somehow got trapped in the egg shell overnight. In the morning, I found him with one of the legs sticking forward. I bound it to the other leg, but unfortunately it made it worse as now the both legs are sticking to the front. Any suggestion how can I fix it? Any...
  6. Melintir

    Show off your roosters

    Our handsome Rodrigo
  7. Melintir

    black meat breeds, silkies ect....

    This looks more like belgian Ardenner, also quite rare
  8. Melintir

    Show off your roosters

    He is medium size really, bigger than silkie but smaller than barnevelder rooster, approximately the size of barnevelder hen. Unfortunately his was the last fertilized barnevelder egg i got since my two barnevelder hens stopped laying altogether since then. I think i was cheated by the guy...
  9. Melintir

    Show off your roosters

    The point is whether the process is considered animal torture or not, regardless the type of animal. I don't think anybody would object to caponizing if it is done with anesthesia, but then it will not be practical nor economically beneficial for the people or the industry to caponize. The...
  10. Melintir

    Show off your roosters

    Tail docking has been banned in at least 22 EU members
  11. Melintir

    Show off your roosters

    It has been illegal in the netherlands at least since 2008.Also illegal in Belgium and Germany but don't know from when. What is illegal is the act of caponizing not the sale of caponized chickens. Therefore you can still get capon de bresse on the market for example, obviously imported from...
  12. Melintir

    Show off your roosters

    2015 marked the significant victory for animals welfare in the netherlands. After few years of professionally marketing the campaign against the hormone enhanced meet birds, the dutch animal welfare organization managed to build enough public pressures to all major supermarket to stop selling...
  13. Melintir

    Show off your roosters

    Actually, my post was aimed more to people new to caponing as I'm sure you know the law as you have done it before. It is not true that it is only illegal in UK, most of western european countries have banned caponing,main exception is France where they have big industry with capons...
  14. Melintir

    Show off your roosters

    Caponing can be illegal and considered animal torture, please check your local law before doing it.
  15. Melintir

    Show off your roosters

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