Recent content by New Chick2

  1. New Chick2

    Would this rooster be an Americauna?

    Thanks everyone. I'm sure he is an Easter Egger now that I've seen the muff/beard thing. The resemblance to the blue splash wheaten is pretty amazing though.
  2. New Chick2

    Raw skin and streaks on legs

    Do you really think it could be pecking? It is almost exclusively on his underside and around his vent.
  3. New Chick2

    Raw skin and streaks on legs

    I just adopted some new birds yesterday and I see this rooster is raw and red on his underside and around the vent. I treated him (and the rest) for mites as a precaution. Any ideas? I have them quarantined away from the rest of my birds.
  4. New Chick2

    Rooster trouble

    I will get some today of the specific birds that have been getting picked on the most! Thank you. :)
  5. New Chick2

    Rooster trouble

    However, I may be wrong and maybe the ones being picked on could be hens if that isn't normal behavior.
  6. New Chick2

    Rooster trouble

    I don't think there are any hens in their coop. That is why I am concerned.
  7. New Chick2

    Rooster trouble

    I think there is actually a mix of araucana (rumpless), Americauna, and Easter Eggers by the looks of it.
  8. New Chick2

    Rooster trouble

    Hi, I'm having some trouble with my roosters. I got a batch of 50 'aracaunas' free with my cx cross I ordered from a hatchery this spring. They are now around 15 weeks. The problem is they have selected a few and are trying to mount them. Is this normal behavior?
  9. New Chick2

    Chicken can't walk

    Either of those is possible. But if their primary diet is Dumor, they SHOULD be ok on the vitamins. I would be concerned about possible coccidiosis.
  10. New Chick2

    Chicken can't walk

    Dumor starter comes in a 15%, 20 & 24. The 24% could cause them to gain weight quicker than their muscles can develop. The other two should be ok.
  11. New Chick2

    Chicken can't walk

    What are they eating?
  12. New Chick2

    Looking for pullets in this batch

    Thank you! That helps a lot. They came in as cockerels but I was holding out hope that there was a hen or two in the batch. Dinner it is.
  13. New Chick2

    Looking for pullets in this batch

    So do the hens in these kinds of birds typically have small combs?
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