Recent content by nharbison0722

  1. nharbison0722

    New girl not feeling/acting so well... please help

    H Her poop has been runny, and when we got home this evening, she was on her side and cannot stand on her own. A sad day. What causes this?
  2. nharbison0722

    New girl not feeling/acting so well... please help

    Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well. As it turns out, all of you that responded were correct about my previous post- about all my "girls" beings cockerels. I ended up taking them to a farmer that is very kind and loving and actually was looking to breed the type of guys that I had. Now...
  3. nharbison0722

    Can anyone help me determine the sex of my "girls

    I was also paying really close attention to the tail feathers... and it looked to me more like a pullets tail according to the link for langshans on here
  4. nharbison0722

    Can anyone help me determine the sex of my "girls

    I dont like that answer lol..... Anyone care to comment further?? I am hoping for a different opinion. (not saying that you are wrong, but hoping that you are lol) :)
  5. nharbison0722

    Can anyone help me determine the sex of my "girls

    Are you talking about the bird in the first photo? Or all of them :( ?
  6. nharbison0722

    Can anyone help me determine the sex of my "girls

    In the photo with several birds, the one in the back that I think is a roo is the one that is 12 weeks or so old. The others are a couple weeks younger.
  7. nharbison0722

    Can anyone help me determine the sex of my "girls

    Still trying to determine if I have boys or girls here. At first I thought I had a roo... but now not so sure. Here are a few pics... The First pic shows the bird in question in the front of the photo. The Second pic shows all the birds. The one that I think might be a rooster developed...
  8. nharbison0722

    Can anyone help me determine the sex of my "girls"?

    About 8-9 weeks old. According to the breeder.
  9. nharbison0722

    Can anyone help me determine the sex of my "girls"?

    Thanks! I sure hope it IS a girl!!
  10. nharbison0722

    Can anyone help me determine the sex of my "girls"?

    Thanks so much!!! I really appreciate it! I really hope that photo #3 is a pullet as well! :) Take care!
  11. nharbison0722

    Can anyone help me determine the sex of my "girls"?

    Hi Everyone! Trying to figure out the sex of a couple of my "girls"..... waited until they were a bit older and more feathered out to help facilitate this. Here they are... PHOTO#1: PHOTO#2: PHOTO#3: PHOTO#4: Thanks for all your help. I really hope that these are girls and not...
  12. nharbison0722

    Pasty Butt continues... Failure to thrive also??

    I have a 2-week old chick that has had pasty-butt just about since the day we got her. I have used the apple cider vinegar (Braggs) along with Nutri-Drench, and used warm water to wash off the pasty-poo.... and still, it continues. She is also smaller and less active than the other chicks...
  13. nharbison0722

    Back again from Texas!

    I LOVE it! It's soo good to be back!
  14. nharbison0722

    Back again from Texas!

    Thanks for the welcome! And your advice is spot-on. If any turn out to be cockerels, I have a guy that takes them and raises them. I will probably get some Buff Orpingtons. Thanks again! Neil
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