Pasty Butt continues... Failure to thrive also??


May 26, 2016
I have a 2-week old chick that has had pasty-butt just about since the day we got her. I have used the apple cider vinegar (Braggs) along with Nutri-Drench, and used warm water to wash off the pasty-poo.... and still, it continues. She is also smaller and less active than the other chicks hatched at the same time. I would really appreciate any suggestions that any of you have. I am keeping one corner of the brooder at about 90, after taking it down from 95 degrees. They have a ton of room to get away from the heated area and eat and so on. Thanks so much!
Hi Neil,
I don't have a great deal of experience with pasty-butt (fortunately) but I'll put in my two cents.
At my local livestock store they sell electrolyte-vitamin packets designed to boost the vigor and appetite in chicks. Some come with antibiotics and some don't. You may want to try something like this to increase the chick's vitality and perhaps the electrolytes will help the chick poop with greater ease as well. Electrolytes are necessary for proper movement of the maybe it'll help. This may be what Nutri-Drench does though, I'm just unfamiliar with the product.
A "chick saver" that I use when things don't appear to be going well is called Super Booster. It has all of the above and it works.
I know bedding can also cause problems...if you have been putting the feed down directly over the wood shavings perhaps try putting the feed on paper towels so the chick does not eat the bedding by mistake.
Best of luck!
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Do you have any photos of her, the butt and your brooder set-up?

Is she eating the chick starter and drinking? (is she eating anything else beside chick starter)
Do your chicks have any chick grit (crushed granite) available free choice?

It could be a case of failure to thrive, but give her the best chance you can. When you give her a wash up next time, dry her off well, then apply a little coconut oil to the vent and on a little of the surrounding fluff. This can help soothe a swollen vent and help poop from sticking so much too.

Nutri-Drench is good to add to the water. You may also want to make a wet mash out of the chick starter and stir in some probiotics or plain yogurt. Just a small amount to see if that makes a difference.

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