Recent content by Nickles

  1. Nickles

    The kindest neighbor.

    This made me really happy :)
  2. Nickles

    Introducing chicks -

    Very helpful, thank you!
  3. Nickles

    Barn Cats

    Ah, that's a shame. Spaying/neutering is a big thing for me, it sickens me how many animals are brought home on purpose and then just left out into the world to multiply. Hurts the animals themselves, everything else that's already trying to live in that area, and definitely does a number on the...
  4. Nickles

    Introducing chicks -

    So I wrapped the crate in wire, made sure there were no sharp edges or anything, put a little weather proof "house" in it, secured a feeder and waterer, and put a few inches of dirt on the bottom to cover the grate of the cage, put a roost bar in there, and stuck it in the run up against the...
  5. Nickles

    Barn Cats

    There are also tons of places (at least in my area, there are probably many all over) that will spay/neuter for free if it's a barn / feral / outdoor cat!
  6. Nickles

    Barn Cats

    Oh but chicks are a completely different story, I would not leave any of the cats alone where they could get to the babies.
  7. Nickles

    Barn Cats

    I have several cats. One of them tried to mess with the chickens one time. Only once, lol.
  8. Nickles

    Introducing chicks -

    I ended up putting the crate inside the run and shutting the door for a few hours, everyone could still see each other through the sides but no one could actually get hurt. Worked really well until my older birds realized they couldn't get back into their house, lol. I didn't have any extra wire...
  9. Nickles

    Introducing chicks -

    So I've had the chicks in the house, today I put them in a big wire dog crate out in the yard to just let them get some fresh air and to let all the other animals start getting used to seeing them around and all that. Turns out, one of my hens is an *******. She keeps pecking at any of them that...
  10. Nickles

    Still screaming

    Pretty much, haha. But I'm so far sticking to my "limit" of 10! I just figured it'd be easier to get it all out of the way at once (for now anyway), the chicks were driving us crazy and I didn't want to spread that out over months and months until the flock was finished. We have cats that are...
  11. Nickles

    Trouble, the gay rooster

    I have no idea but he sounds awesome. Cute, too!
  12. Nickles

    Any idea what breed this is?

    Great, thanks!
  13. Nickles

    Any idea what breed this is?

    Pretty birds :) I have no idea what she looked like, she'd already colored in like this when I got her.
  14. Nickles

    Any idea what breed this is?

    I guess it kind of fades in to speckles though, you're probably right!
  15. Nickles

    Any idea what breed this is?

    That's the closest guess I have, but her entire head is bright gold and not really speckled like google pictures. Should I worry about a dark comb if it's been like that forever?
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