Recent content by Nystra

  1. Nystra

    Meet are little stinkers...

    Looks almost like my polish did! I had to re-home her since I was lied to about her she was bantam and polish all my other chickens are standard size.. She had the little cotton ball on her head then wen she started to feather out she got spikes on her head that turned into the best Snooki poof...
  2. Nystra

    Rooster or hen?

    Looks like my Light Brahma. The comb is small if it were a boy it would be bigger than that. So I'm pretty sure that there is a girlie
  3. Nystra

    Crack in an egg??

    Wish I had know this a week ago... I noticed one of my eggs got cracked. they are due to hatch in the next few days... woulda glued her up but hopefully it will be ok
  4. Nystra

    Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

    Quote: YAY For mutt chickies!!!! mine are gonna be Light Brahma and Buff Orphington X Americana Roo. They are due to hatch Any day now!!! my Brahma has been sitting on her eggs since the first week of April I stuffed a few of my buffs eggs under her once i realized what she was doing.
  5. Nystra

    Crowing Chicks?

    My roo sounded like a girl being strangled when he first started crowing. Mine was a late bloomer... He didn't crow till he was almost 5months old! he is a EE .. cause me and the boyfriend to go running outside in our Pjs expecting to find someone being murdered in our woodshed. found my...
  6. Nystra

    Lesson learned

    Thank you for reminding me what It was like when I had my chicks inside last year... one of my hens went broody and has been sitting on 9eggs for 2 1/2 weeks now. I was going to bring them in when they hatched and raise them like before.. Me and my boyfriend are now building a chicken tractor to...
  7. Nystra

    All for one and one for all

    Do I see a few frizzles in there?!?! So Jealous they are adorable!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Nystra

    buried one chick today

    I am so sorry That must have been terrible to go through..
  9. Nystra

    Easter Egger Boy???

    Might have to wait a bit longer.. I had a EE I was suspicious of and posted lots of pics and I got majority saying to was a girl and a few saying a boy.. Well it hit the age of about 5months and started crowing on me grew the saddle feathers and its tail arched... Twas a boy! Best behaved Boy...
  10. Nystra

    Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

    So If you have a Hen thats been sitting on eggs for about 2weeks now is it too late to move her???? I'd like to get my chicks out of the coop with the other chickens cause the nest she is in currently is raised.. I don't want any babies falling out or getting hurt by the others.. So we are going...
  11. Nystra

    What to feed the new Babies???

    So unless I can get the brooder building changed into a little tractor.... I'll have to give the boyfriend the pouty eyes see If I can't make that happen
  12. Nystra

    What to feed the new Babies???

    Quote: Because we dont have a separate section to keep them while the chicks grow. I'm too afraid my big roo or one of the other spazztastic hens will hurt the babies.. as I said I recently acquired 2 Americana hens they are the most skittish flighty spazzy birds I've ever seen. they have...
  13. Nystra

    What to feed the new Babies???

    Ok so my light brahma went broody.. Figured what the heck why not throw some eggs under her. So she has her own along with a few from my Buff Orpington both fathered by my Americana Roo. I know theres chicks in the eggs cause one of my new americana hens is super ditzy jumped in on her and...
  14. Nystra

    Loud Chicks In Brooder

    Is something scaring them??? a ceiling fan or a scary shadow? My chicks were never tooo noisy but they did vocalize a bit
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