Recent content by pdbantam

  1. pdbantam

    Fertile Eggs?

    My rooster was killed by a dog. How long will hen's eggs be fertile after the rooster is gone?
  2. pdbantam

    They get NO respect :)

    Trying to intimidate the chickens - being ignored Peacock: I'm big and scary ! Be AFRAID! Yorkie: The grass tickles my belly! Peacocks are so much fun to watch!
  3. pdbantam

    Chickens moved into the doghouse with the dog still in it..

    So... had to put my baby chicks in the secure pen. This kinda left the big chickens homeless. They just went right around the corner and went to sleep in the doghouse. The dog also went to sleep in the doghouse! They are just fine with the situation it seems. Chickens are gonna have to move...
  4. pdbantam

    New Chick Chicks

    Partridge Rocks
  5. New partridge rocks - 3-2-12

    New partridge rocks - 3-2-12

  6. pdbantam

    Updated Pics Of My Green Peacock!

  7. pdbantam

    Do people in southern states like pizza?

    We prefer garbage. If we can get it out of a trash can, even better.
  8. pdbantam

    3 Moma hens - 1 nest !

    These are my mom's birds. As it turns out, 3 hens decided they would all have the same nest / feed tub to hatch babies. At first it was the twin sisters and then red decides to join in. It was so funny. Whenever one or two would leave the nest, when they got back on they would dig some eggs...
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