Recent content by Pendergast

  1. Pendergast

    Dead ducklings

    Agreed with @GoldenFlight After awhile you come to terms with losing babies that don't hatch, but when one hatches, I'm all in. I have convinced myself that if they aren't strong enough to make it out of the egg, that's that, but once they're out, when I lose them I'm a mess. I also have to...
  2. Pendergast

    First Hatch of the Year and My First Hatch...EEK!

    We may be messy, but we're adorable.
  3. Pendergast

    First Hatch of the Year and My First Hatch...EEK!

    We're at six all the same age now a little Cayuga cross made it two days then I lost him yesterday morning :( I'm hopeful there will be another because he was just the cutest little thing. Pictures forthcoming. They'll be one week soon. Wooot.
  4. Pendergast

    Fat duck butts

  5. Pendergast

    Help eggs pipped day 25

    You have to wait it out. Prepare (mentally) for any outcome. Many of mine pipped "early" and were a-okay, others didn't make it. Fingers crossed for you!
  6. Pendergast

    duck breeding

    Is your concern that he'll be trampled or that he's too weak to make it?
  7. Pendergast

    Review by '' on item 'Star'

    Curiosity killed the cat. It hasn't killed my black stars yet, but I worry that eventually they'll wander somewhere they shouldn't have. Many a day I've found they've made it around 6 ft wood fencing and into the front yard/neighbor's yard/garden. Strong personalities. They try to pick on my...
  8. Pendergast

    Review by '' on item 'Rhode Island Red'

    Buy them and try them. Rhode Island Reds are my easiest chickens to handle, and they're always excited to see me. They don't get into trouble and don't stress as easily as some of my other chickens. Hardy and kind.
  9. Pendergast

    First Hatch of the Year and My First Hatch...EEK!

    Lots of chicks to go is right! I can't give up on the 80 I have cooking. Even with the losses, every one that makes it melts my heart. It makes it easier. And one of the two that just came out is looking a bit dark. A Pekin-Cayuga cross, perhaps?
  10. Pendergast

    First Hatch of the Year and My First Hatch...EEK!

    Fast friends
  11. Pendergast

    First Hatch of the Year and My First Hatch...EEK!

    She's out! Lots of action in the incubator so fingers crossed for a little buddy.
  12. Pendergast

    First Hatch of the Year and My First Hatch...EEK!

    If this one doesn't make it, I'm jinxed. She's almost out! :fl
  13. Pendergast

    First Hatch of the Year and My First Hatch...EEK!

    @RavynFallen the Cayugas were dropped on me in October or November, and I don't know a whole lot about them. These are the first eggs she's laid for me. Two more gone this morning, five trying to work their way out in the incubator right now. Offhand I don't believe any of the five are Cayuga...
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