Recent content by Pepurr

  1. Pepurr

    How low is to low and how long?

    Thanks for the response. That is what we are thinking around here. I was planning to wait till the temp had normalized for a few hours, then candle them. I was going to look for movement, but am unsure if there would be any movement after only 9 days of development.
  2. Pepurr

    How low is to low and how long?

    Dog gone it! This morning when I checked the home-made incubator, I found that the light had went off, and the temp had dropped to 60 degrees. When I frantically opened the lid to change the bulb, the light came back on. Crap! Makes me want to spit and cuss. Twenty five eggs, and a week of time...
  3. Pepurr

    Will you post your pictures please?

    Here are some of my flock. Big Red & Little Britches taking a bath. Little Britches laying an egg.
  4. Pepurr

    Baby chicks with Teddy

    My old friend Teddy, looks after the new babies.
  5. Pepurr

    Pip the chick: two days old.

    I found 5 eggs hatched overnight. That makes 6 out of 13. I reckon I'll give the rest two more days. If they aren't hatched by then, I guess they didn't make it..
  6. Pepurr

    Pip the chick: two days old.

    Cool! I see 3 more eggs that have pipped. Two just a little, the other a lot more. I started with 13 eggs in there. Threw one out cause it was clear. If I get 50% I'll be happy as pappy.
  7. Pepurr

    Pip the chick: two days old.

    Yahoo! We have a pip. It is one of the Road Island Red daddy and unsure mommy. It is a brown egg and I have a Road Island Red, 3 Americana, 1 Plymouth Rock and the one Brahma - Bantam. Maybe it is the Road Island Red mommy. Hey! Pip is two days old now. Should I keep it separate from the...
  8. Pepurr

    Pip the chick: two days old.

    Here is Pip. Pip's coming out was this past Friday. Pip is anxious for it the other eggs to hatch so they can pal around. While Pip waits, there is work to be done at the key board. I heard some peeping in there a while ago. I haven't seen any more piping though. I seen that the humidity had...
  9. Pepurr

    Homemade incubator temperature question.

    I have some hatching now that are in an incubator I made. The temp got as high as 110 twice, and to a low of 85 once. Each time was less than 30 min. Otherwise the temp varied between 95-103. One chick hatched Friday, and there are 12 more eggs to go. I heard some cheeping in the inc. a min...
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