Recent content by PotatoChicken

  1. PotatoChicken

    PLEASE HELP! Goat with Urinary Calculi!

    Okay so he's a 6 month old boer wether. We have him on lemon juice and sugar, mineral oil, and aspirin. He hasn't peed yet, but he's pooped a good bit. His genital area is enlarged and it filling by the hour. We thought of having a vet do the cut of the end of wee wee thing if it would work, but...
  2. PotatoChicken

    Tell me if im crazy but...

    I think so! I mean and he's an amazing example of the SoP!
  3. PotatoChicken

    Tell me if im crazy but...

    Okay so I'm a 4H kid and last year I showed at my local fair my Booted bantam, Nestle. Now tell me if I'm insane but that's a legit breed in the APA standard right? Right. Well, when he was disqualified from quality judging, the judge said that he was actually a White Cochin bantam and that...
  4. PotatoChicken

    What will i get out of this cross?

    It should work out to be 50% of each if they are perfect full blooded colors, but poultry colors are unpredictable. You could get 20%wheaten 10%white 70% lavender and 0% buff! You just never know. Btw this was the place for posting it. Thx for the question and i hope i helped :)
  5. PotatoChicken

    State a fact about yourself!

    A fluent tap and swing dancer
  6. PotatoChicken

    Adroid vs Apple

    93 apple sucks
  7. PotatoChicken

    I think this is a silki but not sure

    This is definitly a silkie mix. You can tell by the ratio of 'fluff' and real feathers. Silkies feathers naturally lack the barbs and hooks to keep them together as plumage, so thats why they are so fluffy. This bird looks like it was crossed with a partridge or penciled color. Also, the dark...
  8. PotatoChicken

    Help-Poultry Botulisim

    I have one duck infected with botulisim and I know she is probably going to die, but what are the best ways to prevent my other chickens and ducks from getting it. I am changing the bedding and water. I am isolating the duck, who's symtoms are paralysed/shriveled legs and weak neck, she's also...
  9. PotatoChicken

    "Poutlry Name Database"

    Post names of your chickens and other poultry. This thread is for people to search through until they find name for their new chicks. You can also put on just name ideas. I'll start: Rufus Oreo...
  10. PotatoChicken

    Boys VS Girls

  11. PotatoChicken

    Need Ideas Biulding Auto Rabbit Waterer

    I just need some ideas for parts to use and overall design. I was thinking bucket with tube coming out. Thats the best I got. Help?
  12. PotatoChicken

    Hunting Discussion Thread-Hunters Unite!!!!!

    The rut is kinda' slow here too. I think it's because we're like a month or so behind, change of seasons wise. Which, I think, would impact the rut times. Also down here we are only aloud to get cows in elk. It's because of the wolves that released. Great idea F&G! Now what they need to do is...
  13. PotatoChicken

    Hunting Discussion Thread-Hunters Unite!!!!!

    Were I live, its rut for deer right now so I decided to make thread for hunters! Share your hunting (and fishing) stories, this years trophy's, last years trophy, tips and tricks and any other things relative to hunting. A NOTE TO ANTI HUNTERS: For many of us, hunting is purely a way for...
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