Recent content by Pukkits

  1. P

    Revitalizing some picked-on hens

    Hey folks, I'm trying to work out a diet to get some hens healthier. Sadly a lot of my research online is contradictory, so I'd appreciate some experienced chicken people to check over my plans. I have 10+ years of experience with chickens, but there is always more to learn and I've never dealt...
  2. P

    Am I feeding my girls enough...

    We switched off of Scratch and Peck brand feed for the same reason. Our chickens, especially the larger birds, acted starving all the time even with free choice face stuffing. We think for us (I'm not saying it is this way for all people), the hens weren't eating the powder and therefore were...
  3. P

    My spoiled daughter

    What a beautiful bunny! I'd strongly advise you look into having the bunny spayed or neutered at an appropriate age. Rabbits often develop aggressive behaviors or urine spraying when left unaltered. The aggression includes an increased level of territorial behavior, which makes it difficult to...
  4. P

    Help with sexing 5 week old EE/americauna

    That's a tough one. Because of the genetic mix between birds, different mothers, I'm not sure I'd make a decision based on a chick looking different from the others. My parents were given an adolescent Ameraucana mix "hen" as a companion for their sole survivor hen last fall. The young bird...
  5. P

    Specialty Fermented Feed

    I thought I'd post an update in case anyone else is looking to feed their hens alternatively for health reasons. The answer was right under my nose. I started adding a tablespoon of jun (green tea and honey ferment, a kombucha alternative) that I make to each jar. I've read of people feeding...
  6. P

    Single hen

    I agree, separating her will probably save her life. She probably won't be happy alone for long though. My parents lost one of their two hens to predation and I was able to find them a companion chicken, a half grown bird, by asking in an online classified ad. Integration took a little time, but...
  7. P

    Specialty Fermented Feed

    Hey all, new here. I need some help with fermenting an alternative chicken feed. I'm assisting my mother in raising her pair of hens(ameraucana and black australorp) on a different diet in hopes of raising eggs my mother can eat. My mother suffers from extreme inflammation, and eggs are off the...
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