Recent content by Rachel'sFlock

  1. Rachel'sFlock

    Diary of a Crossbeak: Support for Special Needs Chickens and their Keepers

    I am so surprised and amazed to report that Poppy's beak has not only not crossed any more, but it has, in fact, aligned once more! I suspect that I may have to file her top beak a little, from time to time, as it kind of wants to be too long, and interfere with her mouth closing fully. But she...
  2. Rachel'sFlock

    Diary of a Crossbeak: Support for Special Needs Chickens and their Keepers

    This was the flock (at almost 5 weeks old) just minutes before we moved them from their aquarium brooder out in to their new MegaBrooder grow-out pen Poppy, the only Ameraucana, is on the far right, and as you can see, my dire predictions of a fast decline were completely unfounded. Yes, her...
  3. Rachel'sFlock

    Diary of a Crossbeak: Support for Special Needs Chickens and their Keepers

    Poppy's condition is worsening by the day. Feeling really discouraged about it. I can "straighten" it with my fingers and gentle pressure, but the second I release it, it goes back again. As fast as this is happening, I am not seeing much in the way of hope. 5 days ago it was straight. At this...
  4. Rachel'sFlock

    Diary of a Crossbeak: Support for Special Needs Chickens and their Keepers

    Thank you so much for your kind words. That is exactly why I came here to this thread!
  5. Rachel'sFlock

    Diary of a Crossbeak: Support for Special Needs Chickens and their Keepers

    Greetings, all! I have just finished reading every post in this thread, after discovering that my Poppy, a 4-week-old Americauna has developed a crossed beak. It is noticeably worsening by the day. I grew up on a farm, and my father hatched chicks for a living. On his farm, this chick would have...
  6. Rachel'sFlock

    Amazed by natural instinct

    My peeps are 5 days old, and their skills have expanded from being able to find their feeder and waterer on day 2 to all of them being proficient in "foraging" (scratching and pecking feed off the floor of their brooder, prefering to scratch it up than eat it out of the feeder) and all using the...
  7. Rachel'sFlock

    Show me your Easter Egger chicks please.

    ohhh...I take it you were hoping for a pullet. :( I definitely paid extra for that! In fact I have my hopes up high enough to hope she lays blue eggs. But, I keep my fingers crossed...
  8. Rachel'sFlock

    Show me your Easter Egger chicks please.

    My Poppy looks like your Chipmonk! Glad to have some idea how she will develop. This is my first (and only) Americauna!
  9. Rachel'sFlock

    Back in the Game, after almost a year with no chooks!

    Thank you so much!!!! I am so excited I just had to blog about it!!!
  10. Rachel'sFlock

    Back in the Game, after almost a year with no chooks!

    Thank you lightchick! I am thrilled to be back among the peeping!
  11. Rachel'sFlock

    Back in the Game, after almost a year with no chooks!

    Just picked up 9 day-old peeps at the feed store. 8 BAs and an Americauna (easter egger). Crossing my fingers for blue eggs :) It is marvelous to be back after such a long time with no chickens. I have missed them terribly. But at least I remember how to do this!!! I have missed you lot and am...
  12. Rachel'sFlock

    Flying the coop!

    Always having to add straw to those spots, special!
  13. Rachel'sFlock

    Flying the coop!

    My husband took the first steps in converting an old garage into a new coop for my flock of 17. All of them have grown up in the teeny little playhouse coop we have been using for the past 3 years. Owing to diligence in keeping enough roost space, adding numbers slowly and via broodies, and the...
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