Recent content by redrobynlane

  1. redrobynlane

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    Hi! I'm trying to do this when we get our new chicks here shortly! (I'm an early season chick person!). Do you think this would work for a larger number of chicks by simply increasing the heating pad size and thereofre being able to "warm" as many as 50-60-or more? Or do you think that becomes...
  2. redrobynlane

    Mama Heating Pad Question

    I'm certainly no newbie to chickens (or chicks) but this method of warming is new to me totally. I have always just used heat lamps. This last year I tried ceramic bulbs instead to help with the day/night training but still feel like they are dangerous! I want to go with a more natural...
  3. redrobynlane

    Mama Heating Pad Question

    yes, exactly, i mean using a seedling mat overhead (instaed of a heating pad), mainly because seedling mats are available in a 20x48 option. based on your experience a seedling mat is HOTTER than a heating pad? perhaps i could make it work for the chicks by just starting out slightly higher...
  4. redrobynlane

    Mama Heating Pad Question

    What i meant is using a seedling mat the same as you are the heating pad -overhead.
  5. redrobynlane

    Mama Heating Pad Question

    yes, actually that makes more sense. Do you think a seedling mat would provide enough heat vs. a human heating pad? since I'm brooding so many chicks, doing a 20x48 mat is easier than doing 2 or more smaller human heating pads. The largest I've found is around 24'' long
  6. redrobynlane

    Mama Heating Pad Question

    ok, so you're saying i need no baseheat because the overhead will be enough? Do you think the seedling mat would provide enough heat overhead or does it have to be a "heating pad"?
  7. redrobynlane

    Mama Heating Pad Question

    Hi All! I'm set on doing this "mama heating pad" set up this year for my chicks. I live in Reno, NV and in the early spring its still very cold here (aroud freezing or so). I'm going to do a large brooder in my garage which I'd stay stays around 40 or higher at night because it is insulated...
  8. redrobynlane

    cayuga duck thread

    Hi all ! I have 5 cayuga. I got 2 from metzer so I know they are female because I paid for second. But I got 3 from the feed store straight run. We have been waiting to see if any obvious drake shows up but see no curled tails at this time. The only thing is that one of them seems to only...
  9. redrobynlane

    cayuga duck thread

    HI, I'm pretty new to ducks but brand new to Cayuga. Got 5 of them. I know that they can have a bit of yellow on the stomach and that's normal. As they age they actually turn white, rather than black, which is really interesting. Perhaps you got a "crested" cayuga if there is such a thing...
  10. redrobynlane

    Spokane's Chicken Rules

    hi all, we have chickens and ducks in a sizeable lot on the north side. We've basically found that as long as your neighbors are good with it, there's no reason to worry. I think the new ordinance that passed said one chicken/fowl for every 1,000 sq. feet. We know we just need to have quiet...
  11. redrobynlane

    Welsh Harlequin Ducks - Quiet? HA

    They were only day old. . So it wasn't too crazy. When i say "residential" I just mean we have neighbors but we still have plenty of land. The welsh were insane loud.
  12. redrobynlane

    cayuga duck thread

    do you find the cayauga to be quieter and/or calmer than the welsh?
  13. redrobynlane

    Cayuga, welsh harquins, or blue Swedish?

    I am just now starting to raise my cayugas so I can't tell you about long term but I can tell you from DAY ONE they were calmer and more quiet than blues or welsh. I had 6 welsh that I just had to rehome because they were SOOOO LOUD. Calm duck doesn't mean quiet duck - just keep that in mind...
  14. redrobynlane

    How noisy are Welsh Harlequins compared to geese?

    I had a group of welshies and they were soooooo loud.. I could hear them at the end of my 1/2 mile road. they were obnoxious, and not just first thing in the morning.. several times through the day they were deafening. I never knew ducks COULD be that loud. I had to rehome them all because...
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