Recent content by rt farms

  1. rt farms

    HELP! One of our eggs we were incubating has hatched, but we don't know what to do!

    The humidity is critical, do not drain the water, does it not have the wire to protect the chick from water? The red bulb is what I use on the baby's that hatch here, and I just set it up so that one end is heated and the other is not they find a comfortable place. If u are worried about chick...
  2. rt farms

    Thanksgiving Hatchalong

    I assisted with him, he had piped externally and internal all at once, glad it happened that way I waited 24 hours before I started pulling away the egg, the baby was ready and all was well.its all fluffed up and I can't tell it from any of the other baby's now.
  3. rt farms

    Thanksgiving Hatchalong

    Malpositioned chick, free from harm!
  4. rt farms

    Thanksgiving Hatchalong

    I have a chick that has piped the wrong end. I'm waiting on the vessels to dry to help any further....I'll stay right by this little one
  5. rt farms

    Thanksgiving Hatchalong

    Thanks she is going to be 48 hours old today, both feet look like that, and are getting no better. Guess I'll name her can't get right lol
  6. rt farms

    Thanksgiving Hatchalong

    Little egger plymoth x mr. Puffy cheeks funny dots what is wrong with her feet?
  7. rt farms

    Thanksgiving Hatchalong

    I was notified a short time ago that finally all 29 babies are free from the shell! I'll get some pictures...there are 6 eggs left in the bator not due yet, I'm still in the hatch!
  8. rt farms

    Thanksgiving Hatchalong

    29 in lock down. 20 have hatched now
  9. rt farms

    Thanksgiving Hatchalong

    Got myself a poofy cheeked baby!!!;) Nine more baby's to go
  10. rt farms

    Thanksgiving Hatchalong

    Baby #1 has finally arrived
  11. rt farms

    Thanksgiving Hatchalong

    8 external chicks this has been a long day and going to be even a longer night
  12. rt farms

    Thanksgiving Hatchalong

    Yes, yes,yes! I'm the crazy chicken lady up at 0330 listening to the peeps from within the eggs! I have internal's not far away! Day 20!!!
  13. rt farms

    Thanksgiving Hatchalong

    I'm in lock down, temp holding steady at 97 and humidity at 70. Air cells are looking promising and movement in all eggs as of last night!!! I'm just waiting on the little peeps to start up from inside the shells
  14. rt farms

    Thanksgiving Hatchalong

    29 eggs just days away from lock down now. Expected hatch this weekend. The last week is going to go by so slow. I am too excited about the new fluffy bottoms.
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