Thanksgiving Hatchalong

Well, this morning is day 18 so went to remove the turner and lock it down, and 4 of the eggs were already pipped.

Impatient little suckers.

A few hours later, and now 6 of the original 36 are pipped. And there is a good bit of cheeping going on.

Going to be fun times around here in a day or so :D
The quail are done! Here are the numbers: 24 set, 17 locked down, 13 hatched, 3 died mid hatch, 1 did not hatch, 3 died after hatch, 10 quail chicks going strong. 10 survivors running around the brooder.

Now for the chickens, they are still working. Numbers so far: 10 eggs set, 10 eggs locked down, 7 hatched, 1 pipped, 2 wiggling.

I really need to figure out what I am doing wrong with quail eggs.
I hear peeping! Every once in a while I hear someone cheeping and think "where in the world is that coming from??" and then realize that the 3 on lock down are on day 19, should be hatching any time now. And of course when I cheep back to them, they are silent...

Having to sit on my hands is tough LOL
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Sooo..I'm new around here... Is it too late to join in? I've got 28 button quail and 24 buff ophington eggs in the incubator. Quail hatch date is the 28th, and the chickens hatch date is dec 1st. The chickens candled 100% fertile last night. I never bother candling the button eggs. They sat over veterans day at the post office so I'm not overly optimistic that any will hatch at all :-/
I have a chick that has piped the wrong end. I'm waiting on the vessels to dry to help any further....I'll stay right by this little one
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