Thanksgiving Hatchalong

Sooo..I'm new around here... Is it too late to join in? I've got 28 button quail and 24 buff ophington eggs in the incubator. Quail hatch date is the 28th, and the chickens hatch date is dec 1st. The chickens candled 100% fertile last night. I never bother candling the button eggs. They sat over veterans day at the post office so I'm not overly optimistic that any will hatch at all :-/

Glad you joined us! It's not too late :)
Malpositioned chick, free from harm!
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Sooo..I'm new around here... Is it too late to join in? I've got 28 button quail and 24 buff ophington eggs in the incubator. Quail hatch date is the 28th, and the chickens hatch date is dec 1st. The chickens candled 100% fertile last night. I never bother candling the button eggs. They sat over veterans day at the post office so I'm not overly optimistic that any will hatch at all :-/

Definitely not to late to join!
Glad you are here. Have you hatched quail before? What are your hatch rates for quail? I can't seem to get my hatch rate above 50%. Not sure what I am doing wrong.
Definitely not to late to join!
Glad you are here. Have you hatched quail before? What are your hatch rates for quail? I can't seem to get my hatch rate above 50%. Not sure what I am doing wrong.

My hatch rates usually average about 50% too but I've only ever hatched shipped quail eggs before. Hopefully my own birds will start laying and I can see if NOT going through the post office helps my rates any. :-/
Hu everyone, I just set 24 eggs that are due to hatch the sunday after Thanksgiving. But I am having a bit of a panic.. I realize one of the eggs the eggs I sat was upside down. I'm on day 7 and can clearly see a live embryo and a nice air cell on the big end but that was the end that was down.. do I leave it that way till lock down... flip it slowly now.. help
Definitely not to late to join!

Glad you are here. Have you hatched quail before? What are your hatch rates for quail? I can't seem to get my hatch rate above 50%. Not sure what I am doing wrong.

My hatch rates usually average about 50% too but I've only ever hatched shipped quail eggs before. Hopefully my own birds will start laying and I can see if NOT going through the post office helps my rates any. :-/

I had about 40% with shipped eggs and it bumped to 50% when I started hatching my own. So, there was a slight improvement.

Hu everyone, I just set 24 eggs that are due to hatch the sunday after Thanksgiving. But I am having a bit of a panic.. I realize one of the eggs the eggs I sat was upside down. I'm on day 7 and can clearly see a live embryo and a nice air cell on the big end but that was the end that was down.. do I leave it that way till lock down... flip it slowly now.. help

First things first, take a deep breath and relax. The chick should be just fine. Eggs are supposed to be rotated multiple times a day and the chick growing inside shouldn't be harmed if you carefully and slowly turn the egg over. When a broody hen rotates the eggs they don't always end up pointy side down. A gentle turn should be just fine.
Ok thanks!! I was so careful when I set them but I don't remember noticing how oval that egg was- not till I went to candle and see the cell at the bottom. Thank you. I am going to breath again now!!

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