Recent content by RustedOak

  1. RustedOak


    HAHAHAHA!!! I did the same. Beat me to it!
  2. RustedOak

    What do YOU use to collect your eggs?

    I feed first, then I put the eggs in the small bucket that I carry the feed in.
  3. RustedOak


    Thanks! When I went to bed last night, she had hatched one ugly little baby and the other egg had a crack in it, so we'll see what we're dealing with later today. I didn't want to disturb them too much because the male bird was very skittish and jumpy. Typical nervous wreck expecting father. haha!
  4. RustedOak


    Hello everyone and welcome to the new folks! I haven't been on much lately but wanted to pop in and say hi! Weather is getting nicer so the ladies are laying like crazy! We've been eating tons, and selling and gifting them to friends/family. I've recently acquired 6 ringneck dove and have a pair...
  5. RustedOak

    Topic of the Week - Coop Bedding and Waste Management; Deep Litter Method etc.

    Bedding in the coop: What do you use? Anything compostable: fall leaves, grass clippings, garden waste, kitchen scraps, etc. How deep do you let it get? As deep as I can, currently about 14 inches How often do you clean it out? Whenever I need compost for the garden throughout the year and...
  6. RustedOak


    Our city dump doesn't allow scavenging but will often turn a blind eye to someone there dumping who takes a fancy to an easily reached item. (unless of course, they were eyeing it first lol) I am, however, the king of pulling over and grabbing stuff people put on the curb with their trash. My...
  7. RustedOak


    Well said Rancher!
  8. RustedOak


    In my humble opinion, homesteading is a state of mind... For some, thats 40 acres and a mule. For me, it's a suburban back yard with gardens, fruit and nut trees, berries and herbs, chickens & quail (sometimes other critters). We cook and bake from scratch, collect rain water, fish, hunt...
  9. RustedOak


    I raise (and hopefully breed in the future) the Icelandic landrace chicken that's on that list as threatened. There are just over 3000 of them on the entire planet, 2000 of which are still in Iceland. There is a small group of dedicated folks attempting to preserve the amazing, unique genetics...
  10. RustedOak


    With all the rain, come the mosquitoes... so Avian Pox worked it's way through my flock. Luckily, they seemed none the worse for wear, other than egg production suffering for a few weeks. I hated that they had to get it, but there's not much that can be done about it. It's just one of those...
  11. RustedOak


    There is definitely merit to the barter system. I would much rather barter and trade any day than to deal with cash. It not only saves money, but it also builds community/relationships and Uncle Sam isn't around sniffing for his big hunk of the pie.
  12. RustedOak


    LOL I'm just thrilled to have someone else from my town involved. As many peepers keepers as there are in Waco, I've never "met" one active on BYC. I've been an orphan for so long! Haha
  13. RustedOak


    Uh oh... Y'all are in trouble now! There's more than one of us in here! (Wacoan) lol I, too, have recently started with quail but I've been raising chickens for over 3 yrs now. Be glad to offer any advice/help I can. Welcome...
  14. RustedOak


    Just the chickens I mentioned and Coturnix quail. I used to have Californian rabbits and Muscovy ducks but decided to downsize. I may get a few ducks again later just for pest patrol though
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