Recent content by SCarolina Chick

  1. SCarolina Chick

    Silkie hen finished sitting, molting and wry neck signs

    What about clear water almost? She is at least pooping so hopefully she hasn't got something in her crop or gizzard too.
  2. SCarolina Chick

    Help!! Silkie hen treating for Wry Neck 2-1/2 Yrs old

    Thanks I'll drop the dosage down some. She is still not doing good, tomorrow I'll be heading back to SC from the Keys it takes about 11 to 11.5 hours to make the trip, hopefully she will sleep most of the way. I may end up taking her to the Exotic Animal Vet, but first might have to apply for a...
  3. SCarolina Chick

    Silkie hen finished sitting, molting and wry neck signs

    Thank-you for all the support. Does wry neck also affect the poop? Her poop ranges from clear watery to a slight thicker green consistency but nothing like it normally was.
  4. SCarolina Chick

    Help!! Silkie hen treating for Wry Neck 2-1/2 Yrs old

    I'm pretty sure hen has wry neck. Been treating her with vitamins and started her on Prednisolone Oral Solution 3 days ago. But not any better. Was told to only give her .275ml since solution was 15mg per 5ml... I just recalculated myself and talked to CVS we both came up with .833ml so I just...
  5. SCarolina Chick

    Silkie hen finished sitting, molting and wry neck signs

    She has not been exposed to any other chickens so I don't think it is something she caught from another. I have been giving her vitamins and started her on prednisolone oral solution. I don't think I am giving her enough. The bottle is a solution of 15mg per 5ml. My friend has me just giving her...
  6. SCarolina Chick

    Silkie hen finished sitting, molting and wry neck signs

    2yr old Silkie hen went broody for about 3 1/2 weeks, I had to pick her up off nest to get her to eat and poop. Forced her to stop sitting by taking away nest and giving warm bath. Then started molting for 1st time since I have owned her. Then I noticed she started curling head back more than...
  7. SCarolina Chick

    Silkie Hen stopped eating & drinking

    Great News!!' My vary expensive pet chicken Darcy laid her first egg since being so sick and making it through her gizzard surgery! Her digestive tract is officially back to normal!
  8. SCarolina Chick

    post crop surgery question

    I just wondering why didn't you put a suture in just after the surgery? Also, did you apply anything like antibacterial ointment on the site? I am by no way knowledgeable about any type of chicken surgery other than just having my one and only chicken go through a digestive tract surgery. She...
  9. SCarolina Chick

    Silkie Hen stopped eating & drinking

    Darcy has been home now for 3 days & is on 4 different meds. I am still tube feeding her at least 2X a day since the normal chicken food, bird seeds, frozen corn (cooked), lettuces, tomatoes..ect are pooped out whole. Her body is not breaking down the normal food. I see the whole seeds in her...
  10. SCarolina Chick

    Silkie Hen stopped eating & drinking

    Darcy is home at last! It seems like she has been gone a lot longer than the 3 days. She goes back to vet next Tues. for check up and stitch removal. You don't realize how much your chicken(s) mean to you until you feel they might not be around anymore.
  11. SCarolina Chick

    Silkie Hen stopped eating & drinking

    I have some good and promising news! Late yesterday I received a call from one of the vets that operated on Darcy. They had to open her up and go into her digestive system to retrieve the foreign objects. They did not cut the gizzard but accessed it from the incision. They were able to remove...
  12. SCarolina Chick

    Silkie Hen stopped eating & drinking

    As of today Darcy is at an exotic animal vet going under the knife. I couldn't sit around any more hoping everything would pass through. I'm now trying to figure out how to come up with the possible $1,500 - $2,000 estimate they gave me, hubby is going to kill me! Prior to the actual surgery...
  13. SCarolina Chick

    Silkie Hen stopped eating & drinking

    I was told by wildlife rescue to give her bread balls, made from center part of white bread. I have been forcing them down her and also tubing her with the KT hand feeding. She is starting to hate me, runs away and has started biting me. Any suggestions? I am getting real worried that I may just...
  14. SCarolina Chick

    Silkie Hen stopped eating & drinking

    As I suspected Darcy had digestive problems. I took her to vet for x-ray. Results showed misc metal objects in her gizzard. I am tube feeding baby bird food for nutrition. I'm hoping she will pass everything and pull through. She is not looking or acting sick, but I know to overcome will be a...
  15. SCarolina Chick

    Silkie Hen stopped eating & drinking

    I have learned a lesson the hard way and I am so ashamed of myself for not knowing better! After dragging Darcy to a local auction place & having good o'l farmers and chicken raiser look at her.."She looks good- eyes clear and pecking around on floor, just let her be a chicken." Then force...
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