Recent content by Sether55

  1. Sether55

    How to Raisie Competitive Market Ducks for Show

    Hi! I have been doing a lot of research on how to raise market ducks for show and I haven't had too much luck on how to raise them to be competitive in a show. I know they should have constant high protein feed but should I let them swim all the time? I thought that that would make the meat...
  2. Sether55

    Dislocated hock in chick

    A hen hatched a few chicks and stepped on this one I'm afraid. I had to bring it inside because it couldn't move but now it hobbies on one foot. It seems that it's joint (hock I believe) where the shank (leg) meets the thigh is out of place. It seems like I might be able to pop it back in but...
  3. Sether55

    Animals scares chickens and takes eggs

    I was late tonight shutting chickens up so when I went out I had a hen and my only rooster for this breed missing. I was so scared and about ready to collect eggs to hatch and hoping get a rooster. Well before I did I looked for feathers and a trail. My rooster was outside of the coop and looked...
  4. Sether55

    Blue laced red wyandotte genetic questions

    How do I get the dark rich mahogany color and deep blue? I have blrws with yellow in them so do they all need replaced?
  5. Sether55

    Dun gene genetics?

    I just found out that dun is a separate gene and that it cannot be created. So how would someone end up woth a dun laced wyandotte? Is it a chance thing or do you have to have birds carrying that gene. And if you cannot create it then how can you breed it.
  6. Sether55

    40 eggs die in incubator

    Thank you! I will take your advice and see what happens. Thank you again.
  7. Sether55

    40 eggs die in incubator

    We have have always kept it at 99.5 at the top of the eggs and they hatch a day late. What temperature to you recommend is best?
  8. Sether55

    40 eggs die in incubator

    We use still air incubators. And we keep you the humidity around 50% just wondering why the first 17 and not the first 19 days. And we believe that are thermometers and hydrometers are accurate.
  9. Sether55

    40 eggs die in incubator

    Thank you!
  10. Sether55

    Dun laced and Silver laced wyandotte breeding questions.

    I was told to breed a silver laced wyandotte bantam rooster to a dun laced hen and then what? Do I breed dun laced with dun laced after? And how to you breed a dun laced bird. Is it SL with a BLRW?
  11. Sether55

    40 eggs die in incubator

    I have had about a 60% hatch rate in the past and as well during my first hatch this year. After the first incubation was successful we set three incubators, the first with 36 eggs and the other two with 40. We set the first one yesterday and 29 eggs were dead. We then candled the second...
  12. Sether55

    3 day old chick wont drink

    He did end up passing away... thank you for the advise. You were right they was nothing we could have done
  13. Sether55

    Looking for Dun Laced wyandotte USA

    I am looking for Dun Laced Wyandottes, either LF or bantam. Does anyone know of a breeder or someone who has any who sells hatching eggs or chicks? USA only please. I am in the process of talking to Rare Feathers Farm but in the meantime I'm searching.
  14. Sether55

    3 day old chick wont drink

    He had been hatching for about 2 days and we helped him out which I know you shouldn't do. He was glued to the egg and we ran him under warm water until he became flexible. He walks about but hasn't eaten or drank anything. When I try to put water in his mouth he drinks it but his head shoots to...
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