Recent content by Shellybean02

  1. Shellybean02

    Kitten comes home, behavioral problems?

    Hello everybody! I wanted to mention that Kit is doing a lot better. She always finds something to occupy herself with, so I'm no longer her prey. But occasionally she may gently pounce on me. She is totally okay with me holding her for a while, but she's not the cuddle type. She thinks petting...
  2. Shellybean02

    Kitten comes home, behavioral problems?

    I'm positive that she has 100% hearing. She's so curious, listening to cars, pigeons and people coming upstairs. Most cats with odd eyes are perfectly normal, I'm glad my kitty applies to that! But thanks for the suggestions. She's getting better, allowing people to hold or pet her (not for...
  3. Shellybean02

    Kitten comes home, behavioral problems?

    One minute she's hissing, growling and attacking. Another she's running around, attacking imaginary things. Very rarely does she calm down to look out the window, allowing me to pet her. How can I get her to see that I'm a human who PETS her, not an enemy or prey? I know she needs space but with...
  4. Shellybean02

    Kitten comes home, behavioral problems?

    Are you sure the hissing is a stress thing? That's so strange, I thought it was for self defense... she's been on and off, so I'll definitely give her more time. I think distant interaction is a good step, so I'll get some toys. Thanks for the advice, I'll let you know how things go
  5. Shellybean02

    Kitten comes home, behavioral problems?

    For those of you who don't know about Kit Cat, I had her since she was a month old. When she was around 3 months old, I had a family member care for her for the summer. I just got her back last night*yay!* I'm sure she remembers me since she sleeps with me, and she's still very active. But when...
  6. Shellybean02

    Anyone have experience with whole prey for dogs/cats?

    For now I'll go with canned grain free (I'm feeding wellness) and freshpet. I'll move on to raw in the future, and I'll consider the consultation, and the tips you all gave. When raw is dried, it rids of salmonella and such. I would explain how to feed raw with little risk but it would take a...
  7. Shellybean02

    Anyone have experience with whole prey for dogs/cats?

    I think I'll start feeding less baby food, I just realized that it lacks nutrients that cats need(that babies don't need) and I'm not sure how to supplement it. Instead I will feed high quality canned with her freshpet. I'm considering dry raw, but I'm worried my vet will scold me. Dry raw is...
  8. Shellybean02

    Anyone have experience with whole prey for dogs/cats?

    For now Kitty gets lots of variety. Freshpet food is slightly cooked, preventing contamination from anything bad. Along with that she gets some meat baby food(I have 4 different meats), or some raw chicken if my mom has scraps(it's not that much, and I take sanitary precautions). Kibble is for...
  9. Shellybean02

    Keeping Fish

    Oh okay.... I guess I'll check that out then Is catfish tasty? I've never had it before
  10. Shellybean02

    Keeping Fish

    Is that another thread?
  11. Shellybean02

    Keeping Fish

    I read that if there is only pineconing on the head, it's a bacterial infection... how contagious are bacterial infections? Or is that even accurate?
  12. Shellybean02

    Keeping Fish

    I think Monroe and John Doe were old, they both started out with a white film over them(I can't see it unless they turn at certain angles). Then their head swells(scales rise) and they are less active. Their last day or 2 is when their fins clamp like a thread and they die. I assume it's not...
  13. Shellybean02

    How Do People Have The Best Pets?????

    I now know how to balance a diet for my Kit, unfortunately the vets convinced my mom to prevent me from doing this... I guess being a kid made them think I'm doing something reckless. I'll feed her the next best thing: high quality "typical" foods. They gave me a kitten kibble with fillers in...
  14. Shellybean02

    Anyone have experience with whole prey for dogs/cats?

    I'm holding off on raw food for now. I don't want any problems with these vets which seem to be opposed to the idea 100%... for now I'll go with canned and baby food, maybe I'll give some of the kibble they gave me... hopefully she'll eat it with some wet food
  15. Shellybean02

    How Do People Have The Best Pets?????

    ^~^ will she still love me? Our relationship is still developing lol. I've tried blowing at her face, she seems to think that's a threat... Is she pretending or actually trying to hurt me every night??? Because when she stops she's very sweet. Should I mist her or spray a thin stream of water? I...
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