How Do People Have The Best Pets?????

My oldest gecko's eye is almost completely cleared up. Cute pets AxolotlLove! When I'm old enough to have my own house I'll have things like a cat, a dog, some small livestock, and many more bettas^-^ Just curious, I know lizard species shouldn't be mixed, but would it be possible for me to house leopard and aft geckos together? I can add an area with more humidity for the aft, and they can be raised together. I have my 3 leopard geckos in a 40 gallon tank; when the tank is empty in the future I might be able to raise a few newbies in the tank.
Leaf, is your gecko any better? I really hope you're having some luck with her condition, and if not I wish the best for her.
My oldest gecko's eye is almost completely cleared up. Cute pets AxolotlLove! When I'm old enough to have my own house I'll have things like a cat, a dog, some small livestock, and many more bettas^-^ Just curious, I know lizard species shouldn't be mixed, but would it be possible for me to house leopard and aft geckos together? I can add an area with more humidity for the aft, and they can be raised together. I have my 3 leopard geckos in a 40 gallon tank; when the tank is empty in the future I might be able to raise a few newbies in the tank.
Leaf, is your gecko any better? I really hope you're having some luck with her condition, and if not I wish the best for her.

Thank you so much Shelly. She has improved greatly, with one eye open and a lot of weight gain, though she has had some vomiting. Unfortunately leopard geckos cannot be mixed with any other species. I have kept a pair with a tortoise once, but that's pretty much it. I have acquired two tiny red eared slider turtles, about the size of quarters, which are very cute. They do get extremely large for turtles though. Can't have five turtles, no time or space, so they will find new homes within the next few days. Anyway, just thought to share. They are awfully cute. :love

FT cannot be mixed with leopards, AFT are from Africa and leopards are from Asia, and AFT get a great deal bigger than leopards, and can get pretty nasty sometimes. My lizard (Pickle) is a male so i don't know to much about females living together, but I'm pretty sure you'd have to put a divider in the tank.
Btw Pickle stole the TV remote and let my birds watch disney channel...

He let's the birds watch disney channel
Does anyone have experience with World's Best Cat Litter? What's good or bad about it?
Also, has anyone tried Nature's Variety pet food? I'm wondering if the pre-made raw formulas would be healthy as a daily diet for a cat, along with occasional treats(a raw bone for teeth cleaning, eggs, small piece of organ...) as opposed to proportioning everything myself
I've started drifting off subject in my previous thread and decided to move my questions here... I'll start by asking are two kittens more hyper than one? I feel like if my kitten had a buddy they'd play all the time and be exhausted by nighttime; yet I'm also worried that the opposite might happen, and I'll have two hyperactive kittens at night. My kitten is very energetic, even though she plays with me, my little sister and herself. At night she shows me that she isn't tired by meowing and playing rough, which I'm assuming is caused by a buildup of energy... If I got another kitten, would they both do this? Or would they occupy each other until they're both drained? Just want what's best for kitty:)
I'm taking Kit for a checkup tomorrow, but I think I'd like some suggestions. At night she puffs herself up, arches her back, folds her ears and gets aggressive. It's probably kitten play, but how do I discourage this? She walks right up to me and claws at me or bites me, and even makes that spit noise. Sounds like she hates me, but during the rest of the day she lets me pet her and doesn't act this way. Supposedly she was 8 weeks when I got her, but I know she should've stayed a bit longer. So how do I stop her from attacking me at night?
Spray her with a water bottle every time she does attack you. She will stop because cats hate water on their face.
^~^ will she still love me? Our relationship is still developing lol. I've tried blowing at her face, she seems to think that's a threat... Is she pretending or actually trying to hurt me every night??? Because when she stops she's very sweet. Should I mist her or spray a thin stream of water? I would hiss at her, or say no, but I have a feeling that wouldn't help but rather make her spit even more! Thanks for the suggestion, I'll see how it goes later tonight.
That can be a tough thing to deal with but I think dealing with aggression (even in play) earlier is always better!

Cats have "kitty minutes" and when a cat starts to bite or scratch (not in play mind you), many times they are trying to tell you "leave me alone!" What this starts to happen, it's important to determine how long you can interact with them before they hit the bite and scratch stage. Once you know that, it is suggested to only interact with them for that amount of time and then leave them alone. Some cats get over that and will be ok with more and more attention. Some cats just never really get over it.

If she doing that in play, then I would simply ignore her the moment she starts to bite or scratch. Then, once she is calm again, you can begin playing. Just removing her "fun" should be enough for her to connect two and two, providing you remove the "fun" immediately as she starts to bite.

I''m sorry I haven't gotten back to you on the other thread. It has been a rather busy few days for me! In short, the nutrition department is more helpful for consults, but the fee is rather low (I think it's $40 something dollars, but I could find out more info if you are interested). With that fee, they will help you develop a good nutrition plan for your kitty. They will help with homemade diets, but they do recommend cooking the food. Most vets recommend this because we just see too many problems with raw diets gone bad. The problem with raw is that when the diets are not balanced, there are some pretty big consequences. I think we see unbalanced raw diets more than balanced ones.

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