Recent content by shoo80

  1. shoo80

    Hatched Eggs

    My hen just hatched 17 eggs 2 weeks ago. I was wondering when she will begin laying eggs again?
  2. shoo80

    Flies in chicken coop

    Does anyone know any good ways to limit the amount of flies in the old chicken coop? I have straw for bedding. Also what is better for the birds cedar or pine shavings? Or does it even matter? My chickens are 20 weeks of age.
  3. shoo80

    Fertile chickens

    Will and banty rooster fertilize and standard size chicken? They are practicing right now.
  4. shoo80

    Fertile chickens

    How old does a rooster have to be to be able fertilize a hen and old does the hen have to be to be fertilized? My chickens are only 20 weeks old.
  5. shoo80

    Winter Egg Laying?

    What wattage of lamp do you need? Does it have to be a heat lamp?
  6. shoo80

    Small Eggs

    I got my first 3 eggs yesterday and 2 more today. I have 7 black sex links, 5 buff orps, 5 production reds, 2 ameracaunas. How long will the eggs be little?
  7. shoo80

    Winter Egg Laying?

    Do chickens completely stop laying eggs in the winter or just slow down? Is there any way to help them lay more?
  8. shoo80

    Proper Feed Amount

    Does anyone know exactly how much layer feed chickens need per day? They roam the yard most of the day.
  9. shoo80

    How Long For Chick Starter

    Can I take my chicks off chick started at 12 weeks or do they need it longer. Can somebody past a pic of what a 10 wee old chick should look like?
  10. shoo80

    Chickens heading back to coop

    My chickens have been in their coop and run for about two weeks now. They don't go back into the coop at night, I have to put them back in. When will they start going back in at night on their own. Tonight they were huddled up in one corner. My chickens are 9 or 10 weeks old.
  11. shoo80

    Chicken Scratch

    Can I throw chicken scratch out for my 9 week old chicks along with the chicken starter?
  12. shoo80

    Homestead All Natural Poultry Feeds from Hubbard Feeds

    Do you know what this stuff cost?
  13. shoo80

    Rooster or Not??

    My chickens are 8 weeks old maybe 9. I know that they are all pretty much hens. I do have a bantam with fluffy white feathers from head to toe. Actually have 2 of them. The one is agressives with the other chickens. It chases them all around the pen. I was wondering is this was signs of a...
  14. shoo80

    Production Red Chickens

    I bought five production red chickens. I was wondering is a production red the same as a rhode island red or new hampshire red. Are they the same breed or a hybrid. Could some help me out.
  15. shoo80

    Free Range Question?

    I live two miles out f town. There is a house directly across the road from us that has a dog, but it is scared to come over. It almost never leaves there yard. I have two labs that are in a dog run all day until I get home. I have lived here about 4 months and have yet to see a predator...
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