Homestead All Natural Poultry Feeds from Hubbard Feeds


Thank you for your comments. Yes the Homestead line of feeds do not containe any rendered animal proteins. Personally I like to have the option to use animal proteins, but by having the Homestead Feeds we have the assurance for the consumer that no mistakes will be made, as you have pointed out.

At this time the feeds are not non-GMO. The logistics of Identity Preservation of these products are quite substantial for a full line feed company, but we are exploring the feasibility of this in the future.

I personally would be interested in non-GMO food for my girls. I do know MOST soy is gm in this country at this time and corn is on the increase.

It concerns me greatly, as I have a health condition that seems to have possibly been caused or at the very least exacerbated by it.
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I know some members at the other BYC location were writing purina to enquire of the feasibility of this also.
In my case I supplement my basic feed with an all natural insect based Universal Softbill feed (ceDe) which seems very difficult (and expensive ) to buy in the USA ... many who value the option of animal protein in their feed (USA) do not have this option and therefore often choose to use a gamefowl feed. Those who want the non-GMO asfar as I can see opt out and go for a non-soy feed or try and "do" their own...
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Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)

Certain grain crops in the US are grown from seeds which have been genetically modified for various qualities. Probably the most 'troublesome' quality is many of them are modified to not reproduce, so you have to buy seed each year from your seed vendor rather than keep your own.

Others worry that GMO crops could somehow mutate and become plagues destroying native vegetation or other grain/cereal crops. Some GMO crops for example can't be killed with Round-Up. How do you deal with it then using industrial farming methods which spray everything to kill it?

I think other people are also alarmed that it could have impacts to human health, or cause certain unknown allergic reactions. These voices are very prominent in the EU where GMO crops are simply being outlawed. But, in the US the USDA and other health agencies see no worry and there are very little controls on the use of GMO crops currently. I hope it doesn't bite us in the hind quarter.
I do wish they would at least label the GM foods. I have(had?) agrobacterium, which is also how the GM foods are modified. They are infected with agrobacterium to allow whatever is is they are modified the plant with, to actually BE modified.

Thats certainly why I wonder how I came about it. Once you have it, its darned hard to get rid of, and even if you kill it off, so far the previous damage of changing the DNA cells cant be reversed.
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Thanks for the quick response. Scary thought that we might be hurting ourselves in the end. I will be paying more attention to the product ingredients, thanks for the info.

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