Recent content by shotgunjustice

  1. shotgunjustice

    Help! My birds are dying!

    Saturday night we had a lethargic hen. She didn't want to move, her comb was folded and balance was off. By morning she was gone. I did a necropsy on her yesterday and the only thing I noticed was an inflamed deep yellow liver. This morning I found another one dead, almost suspended in time on...
  2. shotgunjustice

    Egg bound for weeks

    Thank you. And I don't mind at all. We have about 200 birds, but have never come across this or anything like it.
  3. shotgunjustice

    Egg bound for weeks

    Wait, how do I attach photos?
  4. shotgunjustice

    Egg bound for weeks

    I had a red. She was a good red. Her comb started wilting and she was lethargic. I decided she was egg bound. Warm baths, KY jelly, gentle massage.... We tried it all. She got worse. Her breast meat atrophied. Her bone sticking out and even worse, her abdomen was hot and swollen. Like a balloon...
  5. shotgunjustice

    Skunk killed my pullets

    Oh, and if there are any questions, I shot that SOB.
  6. shotgunjustice

    Skunk killed my pullets

    We bought 150 pullets in March. Everything was going well until today. I caught a skunk in my coop that had killed 30, 3 more would die later, and 6 more are in infirmary. What I saw with my own eyes is a skunk that bit the back of the birds heads in order to kill. Some of them were suffering so...
  7. shotgunjustice

    Help! Molt in winter???

    We think she's a New Hampshire. She lays the most gigantic eggs. I have checked for lice and mites and see nothing.
  8. shotgunjustice

    Help! Molt in winter???

    My girls are about 9 months old. My best and biggest later is currently in a hard molt. While we are experiencing warmer than normal temps now, forecast is to plummet in a few days. They are pastured, but locked up at night. She's still currently laying duck sized eggs, but I'm afraid that we...
  9. shotgunjustice

    The Case of the Disappearing Chickens:Mystery Solved.

    Oh, I have seen him chase them, just never seen him do the killing. The ones that I know have disappeared are full sized chickens. Can a hawk take off with that big of prey? Please excuse my naivety, I'm still new at this.
  10. shotgunjustice

    The Case of the Disappearing Chickens:Mystery Solved.

    We started with 9 laying hens and purchased 74 chicks. After starting the babies in the house (we only lost 4), they were moved to our large chicken house. We were on a GREAT path. Recently, I was SURE that we were losing some (it's ridiculously difficult to count 80 birds). After I noticed that...
  11. shotgunjustice

    Show us your nest boxes! Ingenous design post it here!

    The platform is just an oversized shipping pallet with some scrap wood attached! We have somewhere between 60 and 70. We have had several disappear over the last week. We started with 80. :(
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